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Is it too early for Pride memes?


@lennby @renegadejade Yes, you can say "persona no binaria" (doesn't specify the sexual identity itself, but the word "persona" is feminine), or for example "sujeto no binario", or "individuo no binario". "Sujeto" and "individuo" doesn't imply the person's sexual identity either, but are masculine words. Spanish is weird, as it has gendered words and adjectives. It'll take time for people to accept non gendered alternatives, I think (for some people it sounds forced).

Numberz I'm not at all fluent in spanish but I'd imagine a setup like this is not as flexible to modify as something as english where I can just switch out "ladies and gentlemen" to "gentlepeople"


@renegadejade you're either nonbinary or you're not 😀



Let me guess, to top it off, the "non binary male" shirt is 30% cheaper?

Tom Forsyth

@renegadejade "Isn't there somebody you forgot to ask?" Good grief...

Emma Builds πŸš€

@renegadejade there's a meme ready to use in this story about Target deciding that the most important thing for shareholder value is catering to shitty little bigots.

Triss, cuddle-slut :18_plus:

Pride memes are never late, @renegadejade Nor are they early; they arrive precisely when they mean to.


@renegadejade Oh yeah. That time of year is soon.



:BlobhajPrideHeart: :BlobhajTransPrideHeart: :BlobhajPrideHeart:


@renegadejade don't think so. It is also a big part of consume critic in this "meme"

MoskitokΓΆnig Kevin

@renegadejade Bonus points are awarded for:
*) Availability may vary in certain countries.
(aka: Of course we're only selling these rainbow-washed products in countries, where we don't expect boycott or too much public and/or political backlash, so that your nice $$$ and our "reputation" are not put at risk by avoidable revenue losses. This is not about attitude and human rights, but about the fact that we are only pretending and still getting fat financially from you).

Ann Effes


Yes, and? What's the prob …
ohhh …

Kasimir Buhr

@renegadejade should the prize be visible for both? I thought there might be another surprise…

Hein Ragas

@renegadejade I gotta admit, it took me a few seconds. :picardfacepalm:

Dana das Grau πŸ§β€β™‚οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@renegadejade one might identify as non-binary, but that human body is fortunately/unfortunately still going to do what it does.

Alex πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@DanadasGrau This is not catering to the human body, which comes in diverse shapes and sizes, sometimes far from either gender norm.

This is economy of scale; shapes to at least somewhat fit 'the average' of the two sides of the gender binary.

Dana das Grau πŸ§β€β™‚οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@einalex @renegadejade I assume they are selling them in various sizes in both, like they do with other t-shirts.

Alex πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@DanadasGrau What I mean is this:
Both version follow assumptions about where clothing should be snug or loose, as well es about a lot more details, e.g. neck/cleavage shape, proportions and relations between different body parts.

This forgoes variety, (that would allow bodies outside the narrow frame of these assumptions to look good), for planability and profit.

Benign example: I'm tall. I usually find things either too short or too wide. I'm lucky, others have it way worse.


@DanadasGrau What I mean is this:
Both version follow assumptions about where clothing should be snug or loose, as well es about a lot more details, e.g. neck/cleavage shape, proportions and relations between different body parts.

This forgoes variety, (that would allow bodies outside the narrow frame of these assumptions to look good), for planability and profit.

Zada Bury

Ummm ...
"Non Binary" ... Women / Men ...

... somehow ... that sounds ironic. πŸ˜…

Emma Byrne

@renegadejade facepalmed so hard that my eyeballs rattled



$31 for a shirt

Never too late to make a buck, any color will do

(Shirt made in Bangladesh by 9 year old kids making 60 cents a day)


@renegadejade Nah, it's still June (347) (new year is on June 214 and "May 31" is actually June 365 or 366 depending on if it's a leap year)

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