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14 posts total
Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

Can I just I have issues sending email to that server.

Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

I’m a sysadmin. Of course my pronouns are TCP/IP.

iced quinn
@koyu consider the following
SCTP :blobcatflower:
Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

February 15, for the 25th anniversary of the Linux refund day, go to your local Microsoft headquarter and have a second event like this. The PC platform is NOT Windows, the PC platform is free and Microsoft is not entitled to force keyboard manufacturers to include trash like a Copilot key.

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@koyu Ich wollte grad auf Übersetzen klicken...


Omg I'm dying, that is the cutest catversation I've ever seen and I want a cat number two now.

Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

Can’t stress this enough: if buying isn’t owning then piracy isn’t stealing

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

@koyu I dont particularly mind piracy, most money is made selling to large entities for most stuff anyway.

But i dunno, like if i dont sell something at all is it ok to steal it just because your not allowed to own it. I'd say not.

I'd say its more like: "If you buy it fuck the rules feel free to remove that DRM". But if you are redistributing something its not "right".. then again thee are a lot of things that arent right I really dont care about, so feel free to continue :)

Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

> Ist offen queer, vertritt linke Absichten und Konsorten: Das ist ein Nazi!!!111!!elf!!1

Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

Holy shit, Google just blocked the DDG app from letting me log in, because of Web Integrity API. It's starting, peoples!

Lohan Gunaweera
@koyu Wow, are you sure it is not a temporary glitch? (Just double checking.)

@koyu You mean on Android with the DDG App?
If this is true, then why are you still using stock Android and not /e/ or iodé or graphene or ios?

Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

If one of you ever dares to come visit me I'll invite you to some Döner and we'll be watching lain and install LineageOS on your phone

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