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24 posts total
Delta Chat

Wouldn't it be nice if you could migrate with Delta Chat from one e-mail provider to another and keep all your chats and communications and encryption working seamlessly? With 1.32 Delta Chat releases we added initial support towards this goal on all platforms 🥳 "Introducing Automatic E-Mail Address Porting (AEAP)".

Delta Chat

A little tech preview for Delta Chat iOS to easily setup a second device, under the hood using the fast evolving Rust implementation of -- not the only use we are envisioning of this interesting P2P effort ;)

devSJR 🧑‍💻🔀

I guess this will not be specific for iOS I guess. Right?


@delta thanks for posting! if i had known before that the video would be published, i probably would have added some cool music :)

Delta Chat

"Decentralized" systems are susceptible to catastrophic failure if every node runs the same software created by a single entity. Open Source doesn't change this. *Social* decentralization and diverse implementations for a protocol provide better resilience and distributed agency.

Delta Chat

Russia asked for access to Delta Chat user data ... so we had some explaining to do :) Cheers to decentralized app designs and the e-mail system's separation of apps and message transport, something that Whatsapp, Telegram and the likes fail to offer ...

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The Privacy Foundation

@delta Thank you for sharing this, providing an encrypted service and standing strong.

The power of saying “no” is available to everyone.

Use that power.

Ade Malsasa Akbar

@delta ah, apparently I didn't follow Delta Chat at Mastodon at the time I commented in this awesome post. Now I find you again thanks to @hyploma from this thread Glad to find you again!

aquaratixc :linux:

@delta пускай роскомнадзор сосет лапу

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