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18 posts total
Delta Chat

Often overlooked from our "but e-mail!" skeptics: Any sufficiently advanced P2P messenger will eventually re-invent a custom, partial form of e-mail ... because users want to communicate when their apps are offline or not foregrounded and active at the same time. See for a recent example.

Delta Chat goes the reverse route by providing a secure and interoperable e-mail based messaging experience and then adds P2P tech like on top.

Often overlooked from our "but e-mail!" skeptics: Any sufficiently advanced P2P messenger will eventually re-invent a custom, partial form of e-mail ... because users want to communicate when their apps are offline or not foregrounded and active at the same time. See for a recent example.


This begs the question: when will we see a version of Delta Chat that is fully P2P, essentially a mail-server-in-my-smartphone. Sounds like a stupid idea until it doesn't. If the phone of my correspondent is up, no third-party. If it isn't, I can contact their backup, vps-hosted mail server thanks to... MX priorities. Everything is there already.


>Any sufficiently advanced P2P messenger will eventually re-invent a custom, partial form of e-mail

That's correct, pure P2P is a pipe dream. The solution, however, is federation, and email is only one protocol among many.

ActivityPub should work just as well, but it is modern, extensible, with a rapidly growing userbase, and may eventually replace email. Consider supporting it. The secure fediverse messenger still doesn't exist, and many have promised to build one, but you can be the first who actually delivers.


>Any sufficiently advanced P2P messenger will eventually re-invent a custom, partial form of e-mail

That's correct, pure P2P is a pipe dream. The solution, however, is federation, and email is only one protocol among many.

ActivityPub should work just as well, but it is modern, extensible, with a rapidly growing userbase, and may eventually replace email. Consider supporting it. The secure fediverse messenger still doesn't exist, and many have promised to build one, but you can be the first...

Delta Chat

Delta Chat is an in-between project: often ignored as a messenger by e-mail companies/experts and then ignored by messenger companies/experts because of its use and interoperability with e-mail. As Heinz von Foerster once said: "If you are doing something genuinely new then don't ask the experts. If you do something that has already been done, then, by all means, ask the experts." FWIW many experts have verified Delta Chat's security mechanics :)

Delta Chat

The problem with asking the experts about something genuinely new is, according to Heinz von Foerster, that they will only explain to you why it can't work or why it is a bad idea. We had no shortage of such experts in the past years :) However, common objections like
"e-mail is too slow", "secure e-mail is not possible", "you can not do a Whatsapp-style interface on top of e-mail" are having an increasingly hard time to be upheld because of the reality of Delta Chat apps working :)

Delta Chat

"but e-mail !1!!!" Is probably still a number one objection from experts and power users who refuse to fathom that e-mail protocols are a viable option for instant messaging even if it demonstrably works, is fast and secure :) We'd be happy if someone engaged in a proper comparison with xmpp and matrix specs and impls, really the only three messenging protocols deployed and implemented at scale. (Can't compare that with Signal or WhatsApp which don't have wire specs!).

"but e-mail !1!!!" Is probably still a number one objection from experts and power users who refuse to fathom that e-mail protocols are a viable option for instant messaging even if it demonstrably works, is fast and secure :) We'd be happy if someone engaged in a proper comparison with xmpp and matrix specs and impls, really the only three messenging protocols deployed and implemented at scale. (Can't compare that with Signal or WhatsApp which don't have wire specs!).


What would you like to see compared ? Overhead ? Time of implementation ? Resource usage ?

@delta The fact that it's "just e-mail" is what makes it so wonderful and why it has saved my ass while all other means of IM are actively blocked where I live. So keep going!

Delta Chat

The default setup of #chatmail is for open signups (anyone can get an address) but some operators implement a private signup protocol and that's fine and easy enough to do because is a small machine.

Chatmail addresses should be abundant and safe to use for anyone , and cheap to operate with basic skills .... A few thousand chatmail routers might already cover adresses for 10 billion people, with less resource/energy usage than a single VC funded LLM startup :)

Delta Chat

#deltachat just got four major usability improvements as the 1.44 releases are rolling out
💗 Reactions on all platforms
💗 iOS Push notifications
💗 Multi-account desktop sidebar
💗 share invite links via other messengers. Enjoy :)


@delta The only missing feature is the a/v calls . I hope you'll still implement it by default

🔻 Christophe Herbet


with Multi-account desktop sidebar, black screen on the pinephone @mobian or @pmOS stable

Delta Chat

Given the experiences of the last decade it's healthy to distrust #decentralized tech if

- it's mainly developed by a centralized power structure
- the involved technology is very complex
- there is coin or VC funding involved

#deltachat has 1/100th, if even that, of what other popular messenging projects have in terms of moneys. But our distributed top-notch expertise in UI, crypto, networking tech and our federated collaborative practises across these concerns, try to make up for it ...

Delta Chat

Reclaiming Peer-to-Peer Web technology with #webxdc out of the ashes of "Web3": our 2024 opening post on the topic :)

Psst: we are looking for more folks experienced with Web app development with a knack for P2P technology .... #deltachat

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Lutin Discret

@adele est-ce que tu as regardé un peu @delta ? Je trouve que ça correspond à beaucoup de tes pratiques. Les applis webxdc se limitent à 640 ko. Je pensais que le bot pour publier sur un te plairait aussi (c'est pas .md par FTP mais on est pas loin !)


@delta excellent music choice for the party! 😁​

Delta Chat

Today, we are unveiling chatmail services, making onboarding with #deltachat a breeze, with peace of mind.

#chatmail marks a major milestone, answering the practical question of "where can i get a deltachat-ready account" for myself and friends?


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@delta I have been using denta chat for 5 or 6 years already and I must say that the app is getting better and better, good job folks

@delta I think this would make a nice default option in the DeltaChat app

Delta Chat

The 1.42 app releases are rolling into the stores, providing a major security upgrade that was long in the brewing and testing: guaranteed end-to-end encryption, protecting against compromised servers or networks (MITM attacks). The releases also enable multi-device synchronization of pinned/accepted/blocked/muted chat states, a new global gallery for desktop and many bug fixes and little improvements .... #deltachat

Michał Narecki

@delta my favourite messenger just got better 🥳



MITM was a big concern. Great job in handling that!

Delta Chat

If you like delta chat and know somebody experienced with iOS developments please send them our way, retoots welcome.

With all other platforms.we have at least two devs engaged but would like to up our iOS game .... Even advising on a day-per-week or loose pro-bono basis could be helpful but someone who gets their hand dirty would be even better. Remote paid job available. For more background see and adjacent recent blog posts.

Delta Chat

The talk from @hpk about "Delta Chat and WebXDC" at #cccamp23 is online at -- at our camp village a lot of people onboarded from hackspaces around the world and we've had many fun discussions with various people, among them Paul and Niklas from @briar , @ninabreznik from wizardamigos and DAT, security trainers from the "Cybersyn" project in latin america, @maxigas from CILAB Amsterdam, @okdistribute to name just a few ... #cccamp23 was wonderful time, thanks everybody!

The talk from @hpk about "Delta Chat and WebXDC" at #cccamp23 is online at -- at our camp village a lot of people onboarded from hackspaces around the world and we've had many fun discussions with various people, among them Paul and Niklas from @briar , @ninabreznik from wizardamigos and DAT, security trainers from the "Cybersyn" project in latin america, @maxigas from CILAB Amsterdam, @okdistribute to name just a few ... #cccamp23 was wonderful...

Liaizon Wakest

@delta @hpk @briar @ninabreznik @maxigas @okdistribute very happy to meet yall and get to discuss the whole ecosystem with so many of the people who are making it!

Delta Chat

We are waiting since 8 days on @fdroidorg to publish a) our disabling of the 1.40.0 release b) our 1.40.1 fdroid release that we did a few hours after users reported crashes. Status is tracked here .... We had dozens of users reporting that their fdroid #deltachat install became unusable and we are very sorry about it but also can't do much else than wait. Don't deinstall anything, please, but wait for fdroid to publish the update after which things will function again.

We are waiting since 8 days on @fdroidorg to publish a) our disabling of the 1.40.0 release b) our 1.40.1 fdroid release that we did a few hours after users reported crashes. Status is tracked here .... We had dozens of users reporting that their fdroid #deltachat install became unusable and we are very sorry about it but also can't do much else than wait. Don't deinstall anything, please, but wait for fdroid to publish...

Delta Chat

1.40.1 is available now from inside the @fdroidorg app - this will "unbrick" all devices that had 1.40.0 installed and could not start delta chat, phew! 🥳

Delta Chat

Delta Chat is not as popular as other messengers but with decentralized messaging it's not doing so bad, is it? Or which decentral messengers do you know that

- have an as strong Usability driven development model,

- are available on many platforms and stores,

- spearheads unique concepts like (web apps shared in a chat) or (Verified securely encrypted chats safe against active attacks),

- is constantly reaching out for cross-project collab

Delta Chat is not as popular as other messengers but with decentralized messaging it's not doing so bad, is it? Or which decentral messengers do you know that

- have an as strong Usability driven development model,

- are available on many platforms and stores,

- spearheads unique concepts like (web apps shared in a chat) or (Verified securely encrypted chats safe against active attacks),


@delta Briar, I mean its technically just p2p but not centralized so ig it counts.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@delta personally I use :xmpp: because it runs on everything and #OMEMO & #PGP/MIME work well...

OFC there's always room for improvement!

Delta Chat

Nice surprise! Thanks to @lk108 we now have "DeltaTouch", the Ubuntu-Touch/UBports version of Delta Chat! It's pretty usable already .... read more on about the journey of bringing #deltachat to a non-Android/iOS mobile platform 🎉 cc @linmob

maxmoon 🌱

@delta @lk108 @linmob The important question is:

Is it finally possible to send encrypted voicemails over Delta Chat?

Delta Chat

End-to-End encryption is one of the good things we have with the current internet and app ecosystems. But it is under constant threat -- be it from EU's #chatcontrol, UK's "online safety bill" or the current renewed "EARN IT" effort in the US: ....
anyone of these efforts succeeding would be a dangerous dam break. Let's collectively make sure all these governmental anti-privacy efforts fail!

Delta Chat

Wouldn't it be nice if you could migrate with Delta Chat from one e-mail provider to another and keep all your chats and communications and encryption working seamlessly? With 1.32 Delta Chat releases we added initial support towards this goal on all platforms 🥳 "Introducing Automatic E-Mail Address Porting (AEAP)".

Delta Chat

A little tech preview for Delta Chat iOS to easily setup a second device, under the hood using the fast evolving Rust implementation of -- not the only use we are envisioning of this interesting P2P effort ;)

devSJR 🧑‍💻🔀

I guess this will not be specific for iOS I guess. Right?


@delta thanks for posting! if i had known before that the video would be published, i probably would have added some cool music :)

Delta Chat

"Decentralized" systems are susceptible to catastrophic failure if every node runs the same software created by a single entity. Open Source doesn't change this. *Social* decentralization and diverse implementations for a protocol provide better resilience and distributed agency.

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