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Delta Chat

Russia asked for access to Delta Chat user data ... so we had some explaining to do :) Cheers to decentralized app designs and the e-mail system's separation of apps and message transport, something that Whatsapp, Telegram and the likes fail to offer ...


It's worth reminding users that mail transports used by Deltachat leak all metadata around conversations: sender, receiver, number and time of messages and size!

Gob-scale Tessalation

@federico3 could you expound on, or provide some context for, that statement?

Nedelne rano

@federico3 @delta at least one project is working on fixing this, ever heard about GNUnet?

Ade Malsasa Akbar

@delta the letter here is very interesting and strong. I hope everybody read this and learn something really valuable. Thanks for sharing!

mutant ﴾! offiziell !﴿ ⸙

@delta about "Russia asked for access to Delta Chat user data...":

Very similar to #Posteo (Berlin, email) vs. German Authorities. No data - no interception. So far so good.

The question remains:

What did the other services / providers do?

Intercept and deliver?
Record and provide?
Snoop and fetch data?

Posteo at that time accidentially found one answer: Yes, even illegal requests by authorities were fulfilled, all, always.

Be more selective in choosing your providers!

@delta about "Russia asked for access to Delta Chat user data...":

Very similar to #Posteo (Berlin, email) vs. German Authorities. No data - no interception. So far so good.

The question remains:

What did the other services / providers do?

Intercept and deliver?
Record and provide?
Snoop and fetch data?


@0xD @delta
Sorry, den letzten Teil zu posteo verstehe ich nicht. Worauf beziehst du dich da?

mutant ﴾! offiziell !﴿ ⸙

@Gisikon_Root @delta

Artikel zum #Posteo Transparenzbericht ....

Viele Ersuchen nach § 113 TKG weisen Verstöße gegen datenschutzrechtliche Bestimmungen oder andere Gesetze auf....
Verwenden nicht-dienstlicher E-Mail-Postfächer zum Übermitteln von Ersuchen, Angabe solcher Postfächer als Antwortmöglichkeit
Ersuchen ... deren Herausgabe ... nicht zulässig ist, z.B. um ... IP-Adressen
fehlende Angabe der Rechtsgrundlage der Anfrage (vorgeschrieben!)


@0xD @delta Ok, danke, interessanter Artikel. Ich verstehe aber immer noch nicht ganz, was du mit "...even illegal requests by authorities were fulfilled, all, always." meinst. Der #Transparenzbericht liest sich für mich so, das #posteo eben gerade keine Daten bei rechtswidrigen Anfragen herausgegeben hat. Oder war das auf die anderen Anbieter bezogen?

Gena Ehrlich

@delta "Не было бы счастья, да несчастье помогло."
Пропиарили на отличненько!
РКН - блокируй ещё))

The Privacy Foundation

@delta Thank you for sharing this, providing an encrypted service and standing strong.

The power of saying “no” is available to everyone.

Use that power.

Ade Malsasa Akbar

@delta ah, apparently I didn't follow Delta Chat at Mastodon at the time I commented in this awesome post. Now I find you again thanks to @hyploma from this thread Glad to find you again!

aquaratixc :linux:

@delta пускай роскомнадзор сосет лапу

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