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lina :bisexual_flag:

@ekis ooo a cheat code, thanks for sharing this!


@ekis Now that's a smart hack. I'll try that next time I want to speak to a human!

she hacked you

I use #XMPP

B/c its #federated
(like mastodon, or email); doesn't require a phone or a number. While supporting end-to-end OMEMO encryption.

Ever want to chat? about whatever topics really, or #infosec #it #tech #science #linux #software #art #music #foss #mastodon #programming #engineering #golang #rust #ruby #python even #javascript but I mostly like talking about XSS on that topic.

You can reach me at:

I also setup a chat that for now is public:

I use #XMPP

B/c its #federated
(like mastodon, or email); doesn't require a phone or a number. While supporting end-to-end OMEMO encryption.

Ever want to chat? about whatever topics really, or #infosec #it #tech #science #linux #software #art #music #foss #mastodon #programming #engineering #golang #rust #ruby #python even #javascript but I mostly like talking about XSS on that topic.

she hacked you

If you don't know how to XMPP, send me a private message on mastodon, and I can assist you; find you the right client for you, help you find a server to register with, and get you started if you are interested.


@ekis and what's the difference with matrix

she hacked you

I'm going to sleep soon, but message me anyways. Join the chat; send me a PM if you need help. And when I get back on we will talk.

Thanks to everyone for sharing this and making it realistic that a community can form from this. It is really amazing to both see and be apart of.

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