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I use #XMPP

B/c its #federated
(like mastodon, or email); doesn't require a phone or a number. While supporting end-to-end OMEMO encryption.

Ever want to chat? about whatever topics really, or #infosec #it #tech #science #linux #software #art #music #foss #mastodon #programming #engineering #golang #rust #ruby #python even #javascript but I mostly like talking about XSS on that topic.

You can reach me at:

I also setup a chat that for now is public:

she hacked you

If you don't know how to XMPP, send me a private message on mastodon, and I can assist you; find you the right client for you, help you find a server to register with, and get you started if you are interested.


@ekis then the next step is getting the people you talk to to use it...

she hacked you

@jcrabapple That is the purpose of the message; give people an opportunity to talk about #infosec topics that are not wise to talk about in public for example

I have had people ask me questions about computer science or myself that I don't really feel comfortable talking over mastodon but might freely answer over XMPP

My happiness is not dependent on its success, its just an attempt to overcome social anxiety and try to make more genuine connections with people. Similar interests? Maybe better


@ekis and what's the difference with matrix

she hacked you

@vslavkin I'm not exactly an expert on Matrix; I have read the code but it was an earlier version of the project

They are both federated, both provide solid encryption

But I believe matrix utilizes JSON Pub/Sub via instance DB vs. direct user-to-user XML messages passing

If anyone has insight, plz share. In time I can read the newest spec of Matrix and better contrast and compare between the 2 projects

I'd need to do more research, but I suspect matrix could have been abstracted on XMPP

she hacked you

I'm going to sleep soon, but message me anyways. Join the chat; send me a PM if you need help. And when I get back on we will talk.

Thanks to everyone for sharing this and making it realistic that a community can form from this. It is really amazing to both see and be apart of.

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