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7 posts total

Privacy is dead, and all of your data, including medical information, is constantly being sold to the highest bidder. This is a terrible situation, and there should be strict regulations for those who are breaking the law. Source

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@nixCraft Referencing Threads aside, stricter regulations won't necessarily change their mind.

Enforcing near-bankruptcy-inducing penalties for violating said regulations, however, might. Perhaps adding an extra couple zeroes and threatening their corporate ability to exist next year would encourage them to stop selling PHI.

Brandon Mitchell

@nixCraft therapist: why do you say you have trust issues?


@nixCraft this is insane. These people should be in jail.

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least hated techsis
@cadey i've read this and have an edit suggestion

> This post contains massive spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion, The End of Evangelion, and the four part revival Evangelion movies.

i don't think there are spoilers for the revival/rebuild movies in the overall text, could edit that for the readers that haven't finished the movies yet lol
@cadey i've read this and have an edit suggestion

> This post contains massive spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion, The End of Evangelion, and the four part revival Evangelion movies.
Litchi Pi

@cadey Is there a TL;DR of the drama somewhere ?
I'm a heavy NixOS user, and didn't understand what the drama is (and so why the post from Eelco is problematic)

Thanks for your articles, your dedication, I silently follow your blog with pleasure 😊

Noodlez :nixos: :neovim:

@cadey I feel like there's not enough context on what the "drama" is. Is it that people feel that Determinate Systems is singlehandedly moderating and controlling Nix? Is it that the moderation is inadequate? Is it that moderation isn't done by a central commitee or team? Is it all of the above?


@notjustbikes, you are talking a lot in your videos about how great transit is in Europe compared to the US. Have you seen Cyprus? Like it's depressing how close it is to being a small US copy (or at times, even worse). It's an actual hellscape for pedestrian, and the stats show it (0.1% of people walk 30 or more minutes a day)

#cyprus #us #transit


@irdkwmnsb by the way no one favorites posts here, if you like something you boost it

Максим АльТанов

I see nice "ΠΌΠ½Π΅ нравится" button, i click it.
Anything else is people creating their own semantics.


@irdkwmnsb welcome to the beautiful world of mastodon

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