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@cadey oh no. I can’t read this on the off chance I watch evangelion!
Niklas Korz

@cadey Very well written, thank you. Now if you excuse me, I'll be in my corner crying.


> I know that what I'm about to say is a false assertion, but it really feels like I have created more pain than good by introducing people to this ecosystem in its current form.

I know I'm just some random from the internet, but if it helps, I don't feel that way at all.. I'm just sad that it's time to leave

Yulian Kuncheff

@cadey thanks for the article. I haven't been following the drama due to my own RL priorities. But this makes me sad. Now I need to figure out an alternative to my Nix setup for home management and dev tooling.

I literally moved all my Shell/zsh scripts to nix a couple weeks ago.

I would write my own tool, but sadly don't have the time to do.


@cadey One very small possible upside from a fork: the opportunity to resolve the naming conflict issue: Nix the language, NixOS, nixpkgs could all be named independent, uniquely-Google-able things, which all by itself might also be a solution for a lot of documentation issues. And you could edit all those articles to use the new names :). Regardless, though: I'm quite grateful for the articles - the tech is still awesome. Thanks again. It wasn't "nothing" to me.

Alex Kretzschmar


“The Nix and NixOS project have not been having a good year these last two weeks.” Had me spit out my cornflakes.


@ironicbadger @cadey reading other people's takes on the subject I feel pretty cautious about the future of the Nix project. Do you think it's too late for the NixOS foundation to spring back up ?

Right now I have no plans to move out of NixOS.

Xe :verified:

@tasiaiso @ironicbadger it could happen, but I could start flying whenever I fart


@cadey just wanna say thanks for your posts in the past and for this one too.

Matt Bond | zxaos

@cadey oof, looks like nixos/nixokgs has turned off public GitHub issues in response too.

least hated techsis
@cadey i've read this and have an edit suggestion

> This post contains massive spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion, The End of Evangelion, and the four part revival Evangelion movies.

i don't think there are spoilers for the revival/rebuild movies in the overall text, could edit that for the readers that haven't finished the movies yet lol
@cadey i've read this and have an edit suggestion

> This post contains massive spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion, The End of Evangelion, and the four part revival Evangelion movies.
Litchi Pi

@cadey Is there a TL;DR of the drama somewhere ?
I'm a heavy NixOS user, and didn't understand what the drama is (and so why the post from Eelco is problematic)

Thanks for your articles, your dedication, I silently follow your blog with pleasure 😊

Noodlez :nixos: :neovim:

@cadey I feel like there's not enough context on what the "drama" is. Is it that people feel that Determinate Systems is singlehandedly moderating and controlling Nix? Is it that the moderation is inadequate? Is it that moderation isn't done by a central commitee or team? Is it all of the above?

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