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510 posts total
Mandu 🥟

snoot switcheroos are leading causes of trust issues for pets


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I need to take a two day vacation from politics because all I can think is "the meat is racism and the veggies are oligarchy"

and the dog is about to bite that chicken and the hand that feeds it.


@yurnidiot by any chance is the jester's name Kristi?


My dog loves broccoli he really wouldn't care.

Mandu 🥟

when spending a day at the beach it's important to wear good sun protection

:insta: @ harrys407


Mandu 🥟

in a world of ginger cuddle puddles, dare to nap different


Mandu 🥟

just filing myself under "Important Cat Business"


Mandu 🥟

resistance is will be loved


Mandu 🥟

learning to catfish: one kitten's unexpected journey


Mandu 🥟

ebony and ivory, live together in purrfect harmony


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@yurnidiot except for the look, that could have been our Malik as kid ^^

James Mitchell

@yurnidiot every damn meal, except the cat in question needs a special diet he doesn't like and the other cats don't

Mandu 🥟

despite all my rage I am still just a kitten asleep


Mandu 🥟

it's friday, the weekend crew will take over from here. have fun!


Mandu 🥟

I would like to use my "puppy eyes" lifeline, pweez!


Mandu 🥟

my social battery is permanently at 1% and that's just how I like it, okay?


Mandu 🥟

I don't know what this is, but it may qualify as the world's most expensive cat toy.


Mandu 🥟

when your exit strategy backfires, literally


Mandu 🥟

what if we kissed under the break room table


Mandu 🥟

just checking if you're real... yep, gotta go!


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