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19 posts total

please don't have missing parts
please don't have missing parts
please don't have missing parts

turns out trauma born from building a LEGO set at the age of 7 can stay with you for life :blobyeengrin:


I believe that one of the best gifts you can get someone for Christmas is something they really like but wouldn't buy for themselves.

My family also seems to know this and they seem to know me very well, too :blobfoxmeltsoblove:

A finished LEGO model of a kingfisher bird

i'm very conscious about the delete key

i'm Del aware


locomotive on-board computer named sammy

sammy conductor


i wish google was case sensitive

Search for eDNA (environmental DNA) returned results of Edna from The Incredibles
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Catboy Cody :v_cat:​:v_bott:​:v_mlm::v_ace:

@odoben I use LaTeX at work... Let me just say that a lot of context and active family filter does not prevent a lot of NSFW results from showing up... :neocat_googly_shocked:
(Also searching for latex after work w/o family filter usually result in a lot of spicy equation pics... :neocat_googly_woozy: )

Willow "Wolveric" Catkin

@odoben Make it optional, call that the eDNA Mode... 😹


I think I may have adhd

probably not full adhd but more like 720p


Okay I don't think I'm that tired

*proceeds sleeping for 12 hours*

Giant Purple Monster

@odoben body aint so great at communicating it's degree of fatigue


Having $SPECIES furry mutuals is great because they'll boost the very best of the Hourly $SPECIES Bot into your timeline!

:coyote: :ms_bat: 👀


My method for creating fictional world maps:
1) go for a walk after rain
2) take photos of drying spots on the sidewalk
3) draw over them ✨ :blobfoxfloofreach:

#worldbuilding #worldbuildingart #cartography #fictionalmaps

Photo I took of the surface of a wet sidewalk that has dry spots in it and a second image that's the same photo but with the edges of the spots outlined.
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@odoben Ha, I took some pictures of some snow and ice a couple of weeks ago for this exact purpose!

Maybe I need to really draw some maps.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

@odoben and that’s exactly how Rorschach invented his tests.


@odoben 'Grease stains on the inside of pizza boxes' is also a good option.


So regular Google search results are being flooded with LLM generated pages but Google Scholar is at least safe from this happening to it, right?
...right? :blobfoxcofeterrified:


Hm, I should probably look for Google Scholar alternatives, just in case--


Screenshots of two scientific paper search engines

"Semantic Scholar"
"A free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature"

"AI-powered Research Intelligence Engine"

In my endeavours towards relying on Google less I've learned that in #Firefox you can add any search box from any site as a bookmark with a keyword associated with it.

E.g. I've added with the keyword !dic, Cambridge Dictionary with !cam and Meriam-Webster with !mer so instead of typing "something definition" into my browser's bar and then clicking on a search result I can type e.g. "!dic something" and get to the result right away. #FirefoxTips

Firefox screenshot of showing the context menu after right-clicking on the search bar, with the option "Add a Keyword for this Search" highlighted

Additional note: It doesn't always seem to manage to figure out the right URL format, e.g. for Meriam-Webster it added it as

but their actual URL format is:

so I had to manually correct it to:


Li'l phone doodle.
@Rusty puppy wanted to go for a ride on the walrus ^ ii ^

Drawing of a red corgi with orange hair laying on top of the head of a walrus, pointing forward

The thing about living in a country that doesn't have Halloween and Thanksgiving is that malls start putting up Christmas decorations in October.


Bugs Bunny, entering a room full of PhD researchers:
"Eh, what's up, postdocs?"


No keyboard, I don't want you to correct bootable to boopable


It's System Administrator Appreciation Day!
Shout-out to all the amazing admins who keep the #FurryFediverse running! :blobfoxhappy:


I decided to write a little introduction to Mastodon that I can send to people who are interested in joining Mastodon.
Here's the link to it:

Boosts and feedback on what I should include/change in it are appreciated!

#furryfandom #furryfediverse

Odoben's Guide to Mastodon for Furries

It's done! I drew my first badge! I'm really happy with how it turned out.

A drawing of a cartoony walrus holding up a laptop on which the "whoami" command was run with the output "odoben."
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