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369 posts total
:cyan_256:​【Ξnigmatico】 🐱
The seven layers of OSI, are based on the 7 layers of hell. The application layer being the one at the bottom of hell.

The number 666 is usually attributed to the devil. It's called the 'number of the devil'. But it is also an octal value for UNIX directory permissions.

UNIX services are also called 'daemons'.

All demon symbols look totally like electronic circuits.

We can conclude, compsci = satanism. We're all satanic.
The seven layers of OSI, are based on the 7 layers of hell. The application layer being the one at the bottom of hell.

The number 666 is usually attributed to the devil. It's called the 'number of the devil'. But it is also an octal value for UNIX directory permissions.
:cyan_256:​【Ξnigmatico】 🐱
The good side of fedi:

- Decentralized (if one instance goes down, the network still works).
- Free as in freedom.
- No algorithms (you see what there is, not what a machine wants you to see).
- No "clasism". Everyone is worth the same here. There are no influencer shit or clout chasing.
- People actually interacts with you. And its usually real people. Though rarely a bot might pop up on your notifications (but its very rare and they usually get banned quickly).
- Has a lore (twitter doesnt have any history because nobody cares about anyone there).
- Catgirls.
The good side of fedi:

- Decentralized (if one instance goes down, the network still works).
- Free as in freedom.
:cyan_256:​【Ξnigmatico】 🐱
If you don't add a "mew" at the end of every sentence you make, I will put a leash on you and make you go on your fours until you mew and purr like a cat.
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