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30 posts total
Kevin Rothrock

большая возможность для русскоязычных журналистов, готовых жить в Риге 👇

Senior Journalist, Riga Special Reporters team

Journalist, Riga

Kevin Rothrock

как тебе такое, илон маск

Kevin Rothrock

ребята, что означает фраза “муравью хуй приделать”?


@kevinrothrock Есть такое:
— Что делать?..
— Таракану хуй приделать!

Kevin Rothrock

check out Zelensky's provocative new shirt

Kevin Rothrock

Ze is leaning into more aggressive rhetoric (eg, "shrink Russia," "take the war to Russian soil") precisely as Ukraine's battlefield positions deteriorate across all fronts. It sometimes feels like his meme war awesomeness has an inverse relationship to Kyiv's survival odds.

Kevin Rothrock

“Призываю оставить эти средневековые подходы.” ~Глава Чечни Рамзан Кадыров


Kevin Rothrock

открываешь ФБ - есть срачи, закрываешь - война

Kevin Rothrock

да, но опасность изходит от земли

Kevin Rothrock

ребята, как бы вы перевели на англ фразу “англичанка гадит”?

Kevin Rothrock

"милая, приятная, в моих глазах девочка". ребята, как сказать на русском языке creepy old man. фу противно

Kevin Rothrock

ребята, как бы вы перевели на англ фразу “чтобы он воробьям до конца жизни дули крутил”?

Kevin Rothrock

не знаю насколько это правильно, но я предлагаю: “tossing breadcrumbs at pigeons for the rest of his life”

Kevin Rothrock

По ее словам, когда Дуров перестал поддерживать ее и детей финансово, их уровень жизни снизился. «Когда мы первый раз летели экономклассом, дети [которые раньше летали только на частных самолетах] спросили, „откуда здесь взялись другие люди“», — рассказала она.


Kevin Rothrock

Durov's arrest in Paris provokes sweeping claims about and comparisons between Russian and European Internet regulations and censorship. My two cents: be mindful about whom you're reading. It's much easier to be loud on this than informed.

Kevin Rothrock

An investigation by Novaya Gazeta Europe suggests that Russia’s federal censor started throttling local YouTube access after Google suddenly terminated a record-high number of channels linked to coordinated Russian influence operations.

Kevin Rothrock

Среди 10 мировых спортивных лидеров всё кроме Китая враги России

Kevin Rothrock

👀 ЭХО FM: Илья Яшин пообещал не конфликтовать с другими оппозиционерами

Kevin Rothrock

Anybody out there paying for Perplexity AI Pro? Worth it?

Kevin Rothrock

I'll ask the question here, since it seems like a good place for dashcam advice: How quickly is this going to drain my car battery, left plugged in? (This is for hardwiring an always-on dashcam.)

Kevin Rothrock

The Coca-Cola Company is reportedly returning to Russia after a two-year absence following the invasion of Ukraine. The company has apparently filed patent requests to reclaim the trademarks on Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Fanta.

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So how dose one distinguish between the fascists and their corporate sponsors?

Politico printed a peice detailing attempts by Balcan democracies work with Lidl, Ahold Delhaize, Procter & Gamble, *Coca-Cola*, A1, Yettel, Ferrero, Heineken, Mars, Mondelēz, L'Oréal, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), Bosch, Samsung and Amazon in April. The were asking the multinationals to abstain from spending their advertising dollars on right-wing media platforms which catered to Russian disinformation and anti-democratic messaging. That was months before elections.

Tell me who you friends are and I'll tell you who you are.


So how dose one distinguish between the fascists and their corporate sponsors?

Politico printed a peice detailing attempts by Balcan democracies work with Lidl, Ahold Delhaize, Procter & Gamble, *Coca-Cola*, A1, Yettel, Ferrero, Heineken, Mars, Mondelēz, L'Oréal, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), Bosch, Samsung and Amazon in April. The were asking the multinationals to abstain from spending their advertising dollars on right-wing media platforms which catered to Russian disinformation and anti-democratic...

Mark Gjøl

@kevinrothrock I may be pedantic, but maybe not. How does a patent request reclaim a trademark?

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