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270 posts total
Sam Henri Gold

i keep getting this photo as a memory suggested to me, i took it the first time leaving the house during quarantine. in hindsight, um, what the fuck was i doing

Sam Henri Gold

doing some spring cleaning of my drafts, found this gem:

document.queerySelector 💅

Sam Henri Gold

y’all ever just put a slice of baloney in a DVD case to feel like you have agency over your life?

Sam Henri Gold

@jensimmons off the top of your head, are there any prime examples of a fantastic PWA? I'm trying to learn more about them by example but coming up short.

Sam Henri Gold

calling attentionClassDumpUser BECAUSE IT'S MY RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN.

also this radar is still open

Григорий Клюшников

It took me half an hour to figure out how to get at it without having to disassemble the entire UIKit and I'm gravely disappointed

Sam Henri Gold

Reading through the Safari release notes, I'm learning about web features I didn't even know were a thing. Intl.DurationFormat seems like a fun one...

Sam Henri Gold

good night to everyone except the person at the ad agency who pitched that “holiday roads” campaign for honda back in 2017. you should be tried as a war criminal.

Sam Henri Gold

memory leak? simply have it sign an NDA

Matt Bonney

@samhenrigold which of course stands for “never deinit agreement”

Григорий Клюшников

I was once turning in my C programming assignment in university and I forgot a free(), the teacher rightfully asked "who is going to free this memory you allocated here", I answered "the operating system after the process exits". While 100% technically right, this didn't satisfy him, unfortunately.

Sam Henri Gold

i keep getting ads for ADHD meds and at this point, it’s becoming a form of bullying

Sam Henri Gold

a pet peeve: don’t over-explain a joke in alt text. if your alt text contains the phrase “the joke being that…” take a step back and use your comedic judgement

Json Doh

But, but, that's what I go to read when I don't get the joke. Which happens quite often 🙂

Sam Henri Gold

idk how to describe it but the phrase “frutiger areo” makes me deeply uncomfortable

Sam Henri Gold

i think it's pretty backwards that people are using "HTML over the wire" frameworks. They make wifi now, idiots. No wires. Use your brain sheesh.

noah witherspoon

@samhenrigold does this mean we’ve come full circle and I can just use PHP again

Sam Henri Gold

i promise that’s not what i’m searching spotify for

Григорий Клюшников

Meanwhile in Russia. Apparently *we* don't need that info.

But we had Spotify for an entire year! It almost felt like we were getting on par with the rest of the world. Though I do understand that this isn't a political decision but a practical one, can't take subscription payments if there are no working international payment companies left in the country. Doesn't make much sense to keep operating in a country where you can't sell subscriptions.

Sam Henri Gold

I've been having a lot of fun experimenting with Cinema 4D and 3D art in general even though I suck at it. I think there's an inverse relationship between how good you are at a tool and how much fun you have with it.

Sam Henri Gold

yourgirlfriend22 reaction pics are timeless

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