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270 posts total
Sam Henri Gold

Feel Like Pure Shit Just Want Her Back x

Григорий Клюшников

I don't remember this thing but I do remember everything having an IE toolbar.

Sam Henri Gold

I'm glad train announcements specify to mind the gap between the train and the platform. I always get confused which gap they're talking about.

Sam Henri Gold

linux users are the CrossFit people of computing

Sam Henri Gold

i made a tutorial years ago about installing an iOS beta and now my life is haunted by these types of emails.

Григорий Клюшников

It is not technically impossible, but would require multiple months of reverse engineering work. So if that person wants it this much, they could indeed run iOS on a Samsung phone. They would also probably be either sued or hired by Apple if they succeed.

Sam Henri Gold

You all are gonna look at this and you’re gonna to enjoy it, damnit.

Eugen Rochko

@samhenrigold D&D changed a lot since the last time I played

Sam Henri Gold

lots of neat stuff coming in the Mastodon app, I’m super amped up for it :apartyblobcat:

Sam Henri Gold

oh you work at dropbox? name every file, i’ll wait.

Sam Henri Gold

this violates every single one of my senses 10 times over. I love it.

Sam Henri Gold

(pacing around the NYSE floor in a suit, sweating profusely because the build-a-bear stock hasn't rebounded)

Sam Henri Gold

I was looking for 1990s clipart yesterday and came across one called "COMPUTE.BMP" and I'm still at a loss for words

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