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30 posts total

@ljwrites It would be a start. bye


If you'd like to swipe through some internet and web history, from the first spam email in 1978 to the launch of the iPhone in 2007 then go to, created by Neil Agarwal.

Herr Meinhardt

@acka47 Überhaupt ist eine großartige Seite...


Falls sich heute noch jemand spontan auf eine A16/E15Ü-Stelle in Potsdam bewerben möchte (Referat P 5 (Informationsdienste) des Landtages Brandenburg): #openbibliojobs


Mein Beitrag "Software entwickeln und betreiben" für das Praxishandbuch Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekar:innen ist nun online: Ich hatte vor einem Jahr einigen Input dazu hier im Fediverse bekommen, siehe Danke dafür! #devbib

Jakob Voß

@acka47 da eigen sich sicher einige Artikel als weiterführende oder ergänzende Literaturhinweise im Handbuch IT in Bibliotheken. PR/Issues sind willkommen!


Es ist vollbracht. Wir haben heute die erste offizielle Version des AMB – Allgemeines Metadatenprofil für Bildungsressourcen publiziert:

Die Entwicklung in der OER-Metadatengruppe der @DiniAgKim hat gut dreieinhalb Jahre gedauert (der erste Commit im AMB-Repo datiert vom März 2020).

Im GitHub-Repo unter werden 16 Contributors angezeigt, weitere Personen haben in Tickets oder Treffen beigetragen – ein wahrer Community-Erfolg! 🎉

Es ist vollbracht. Wir haben heute die erste offizielle Version des AMB – Allgemeines Metadatenprofil für Bildungsressourcen publiziert:

Die Entwicklung in der OER-Metadatengruppe der @DiniAgKim hat gut dreieinhalb Jahre gedauert (der erste Commit im AMB-Repo datiert vom März 2020).

David Lohner

@acka47 @DiniAgKim

der @mdeimann und das @IWMtue ( haben das sicher auf dem Schirm, oder? ;-)


Gerade hat jemand einen Beitrag von mir geteilt, den ich im Januar 2020 gemacht habe. Muss wohl an der neuen Suchfunktion liegen bzw. daran, dass ich meine Posts zum Indexieren freigegeben habe.


@phu Es gibt auch eine Tischtennis-Community (mit Lemmy) im Fediverse: (via @caos 's Profil)


So why do conference organizers assume that slides come as ppt or pdf and not as HTML? We usually create slides with #revealjs, nowadays mostly by using #HedgeDoc. Having to upload these slides somewhere as PDF is exhausting, as HedgeDoc does not provide a PDF export for slides and in the current case I have problems both using decktape and with printing the PDF from the browser (which worked the last time I had to do this). See this ticket for context:


You could create a PDF with one page containing a simple slide: "Click here to view the presentation"...

Adrian ist jetzt auf Mastodon v4.2.0. Das heißt, wer mag, kann die eigenem Posts jetzt durchsuchbar machen, siehe


Apparently, my gut feeling was right when I quickly decided this week to not share the "95% of NFTs are now worthless" news:


Kai Labusch from @stabi_berlin is presenting at #swib23 a very sophisticated service for named entity recognition and entity linking in digitized texts, constructed with machine-learning based on #Wikidata entities and their mentions in #Wikipedia. I wonder if one could/should use the #Reconciliation Service API protocol for use cases like this one. I guess the protocol would have to allow to send the context sentence along with the NERed string we want to reconcile. /cc @pintoch


@stabi_berlin @pintoch Generally, the protocol already supports it as you can send the context along as additional property. (The service could define the property name to send the context in.)


@acka47 @stabi_berlin @pintoch That‘s it, we need fairly long context for the disambiguation, which is where the Wikipedia articles are really handy - also the reason why we chose Wikidata over GND as linking target. More on this here

Sebastian Majstorovic

@acka47 @stabi_berlin @pintoch Very interesting! Is there a code repo for the project available somewhere?


TIL from the #swib23 talk "Wikibase as an institutional repository authority file" given by Michael Lindsey that there is a Wikibase cloud hoster in the making:

Lozana Rossenova

@acka47 Interesting parallel discussions at #CoRDI2023 today where we're also hearing more about #Wikibase for authority records across library (& other research) institutes (i.e. this project - Shame both events are happening in parallel 😅


Yesterday, we discussed in a workshop how a truly shared cataloging system could work. What irks me about such discussions is that they start off from a flawed scholarly communication system.

Today, @csarven presents the existing standards and building blocks for a truly web-based scholarly communication & publication system which sets a whole different background where e.g. metadata wouldn't be kept separately from actual publications but be embedded or attached to them as annotations. #swib23


@csarven I, for one, would rather see librarians helping make Tim Berners-Lee's original vision come true than acting as appendix to a broken academic system.

Julien A. Raemy

@acka47 Yes! And also actively participating in (national/international) communities to share these use cases :)


Bookmarking this IETF note referenced by @csarven in his #swib23 keynote: Centralization, Decentralization, and Internet Standards


"Interoperability at some point touches on standards... You have a common ground on what the rules are." #swib23


Sarven was working on StatusNet ( in 2010. For more background, see also his recent "story of procrastination of epic proportions, making connections, and having fun": #swib23


Centralized vs. decentralized not as a dichotomy but as a matter of dregree of control for identifiers, data, and applications: #swib23

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