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30 posts total

It's often hard to get Linked Data people to eat their own dog food. We usually try to get them there by showing examples. Paraphrasing @csarven at #swib23


Links to the slides for the "**Truly shared cataloging ecosystem development" **workshop: #swib23


Time to go to bed and try to sleep although it's still very warm outside. I will have to get up at 5am to board the ICE sprinter from Cologne to Berlin for #swib23. The trip will only take four hours – if everything works fine – as the train doesn't stop anywhere inbetween.


@acka47 worked for me today, no delay and i am arriving in Berlin now #swib23

Stefan です

@acka47 Got here yesterday already. See you there!


I just started to back @Tusky - my longstanding main Fediverse driver for Android - on @opencollective. Thanks to the ongoing #fedidrama which made me aware that the project has been receiving far too little money in the past. #tusky


@acka47 me too! I decided to switch from ad hoc Tusky donations to regular ones. @Tusky @opencollective


It is so sad that #xmist Armin passed away on 15th of August. I have been ordering records from X-Mist since the early/mid 1990ies and have discovered so many great bands, records and EPs through him. He will be sorely missed in the German underground music scene. There is a blog set up in his memory at RIP


Vielleicht sollten wir auch mal diskutieren was getan wird, wenn Meta mit großen Instnazen ins Fediverse kommt. Wird mit denen föderieren oder werden die geblockt, um ein "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" in seinen Anfängen zu ersticken? Siehe auch . /cc @rstockm @EzellaGarnie


Bei so einem Post wünsche ich mir übrigens die Auswahl, ihn nur für Menschen auf meiner Instanz sichtbar zu machen. Mit Hometown giubt es einen Mastodon-Fork, der local-only posting unterstützt:


@brembs I would never say this but I think the section can easily be read like this.

Björn Brembs


Yes, one could read "slave labor" into "human support" if this is how one thinks,. yes, I agree. We could point out that by 'human support' we do not imply slave labor, unfair wages, labor exploitation, human trafficing, gender bias, physical punishment, coersion and other mistreatment?


Die Bibliothek der Kunsthochschule für Medien #Köln sucht eine Leiter:in:

Ich habe dort vor Jahren Praktikum gemacht und mochte das sehr. Super Bestand und mit dem Overstolzenhaus als ältestem Säkularbau Kölns ist die Bibliothek dazu in einem sehr schönen Gebäude.


For some time now I have been using @organicmaps as my default navigation app. Just found out (via @liaizon ) that they are in the fediverse. I decided to donate as I try to support all the FLOSS projects I am regularly using - at least with a bigger one-time donation (although small regular amounts are the better for a project's long-term planning).

Organic Maps

@acka47 @liaizon thank you very much for your generous donation and support! Our small team appreciates it a lot!


@acka47 @organicmaps @liaizon also got into organic maps recently and am so happy with it!! very exciting project that I hope I can contribute to at some point <3


It's also my navigation app of choice. It looks nice and scrolls/zooms super smooth. Never seen something better. I also like that there's nothing to configure. Just enter from A to B and it navigates. But one thing sometimes would be better, especially for car navigation: the option to choose short or fast route. It seems it always navigates the shortest route which sometimes makes no sense, because it takes so much longer and nobody ever would drive this route.
@organicmaps @liaizon

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