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30 posts total
iced quinn
choose your poison
Anonymous poll


inclusive development team that says nice words. 6 CVEs per month.
grizzled trench warriors. they will call you a retard if you do something stupid. 6 CVEs per year.
0 people voted.
Voting ended 17 April at 6:11.
iced quinn
a lot of people are worried about meta

🙏 my blobs in christ you cannot even get a simple fucking email clone to work where people can have milquetoast conversations about mushrooms they took photos of without fragmenting the entire network nine ways to sunday
iced quinn
> choose background
> the power of money vs. potions

i dunno without any context for how good these potions are i'm gonna have to settle for the power of money.

it's a pretty effective super power.
iced quinn
> choose physical stats
> there's no context presented
> nothing is mentioned as "neutral"

iced quinn
> CVS first sends over a BEGIN AUTH REQUEST message containing the actual repo path, username, and pass. The server responds with I LOVE YOU for an accepted password and I HATE YOU for an invalid password.

iced quinn
apple: :blobfoxwet: no 3.5mm
quinn: :blobcathyper2: excellent you finally upgraded to 6mm
:blobfox0_0: n.. noe...
iced quinn
the greatest post ever made :blobcatcrown:
iced quinn
how it started
KDE: :acomfyartist: let us clone windows 98

how its going
Microsoft: :blobcatsuit: gentlemen we need to clone our greatest threat: KDE5.

iced quinn
hi blobs :blobcatwave:

someone forgot they were paired with the speaker and started blasting weird noises so here we are how are you today :blobcatsleepless:
iced quinn
Solutions to Traffic
City simmers: :blobcatbounce: wider road
Experienced city simmers: :blobcatwine: roundabouts
WEF: :comfycoffeewoozy: just kill and impoverish people until the traffic problem stops
iced quinn
> Raku allows the use of dashes (-)

rise of the kebab-case :blobcathyper2:
iced quinn
brain is trying to distract me with PDF compression scripts. blah
iced quinn
> The IEEE 1295 standard (now withdrawn[6]) defines the "Motif API".[7] As of version 2.1, Motif supports Unicode, which made it widely used in several multilingual environments.

maybe i should look in to it afterall :comfyeyes:
iced quinn
> 500$ for a copy of the spec
that is a good joke :blobcatshy: IEEE tells very funny jokes
iced quinn
not sure if using postscript to draw GUI is based or cursed :blobcatwaitwhat2:
iced quinn

NeWS was architecturally similar to what is now called AJAX, except that NeWS coherently: used PostScript code instead of JavaScript for programming.

used PostScript graphics instead of DHTML and CSS for rendering.
used PostScript data instead of XML and JSON for data representation.

:blobcatghostrev: i am the Electron of the greybeards

iced quinn
> Cops Shut Down 8-Year-Old Girl's Lemonade Stand To Protect Society From Unlicensed Lemonade (Zero Hedge)
iced quinn
> vrchat adds anti cheat
> conan goes FOMO cash shop
> minecraft gets torment nexus chat surveilance

ah yes it's the year where all the nice things go to absolute shit
iced quinn
> because of reasons we use linux in the future
> there's no tab completion
> programs are stored in Applications (capital A)
> .exe extension

:blobcatgooglynotlikethis: oh no. the microsoft systemd version of linux
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:


no tab completion

wtf.. This has been a standard since probably 80s

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