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@iska There IS tab completion in PowerShell. It's for executables and paths only. In bash you can extend tab completion to almost everything, but honestly, I hate it. I've switched to mksh which doesn't have it and is otherwise pretty barebones. I like it.
People tend to abuse some things only because they are extensible: bash, vim — okay, this class browser is nice, the spellchecker too, but do you need that if all you want is to change some path in a script? 🤔


@icedquinn Good for you! If you're a cat 😹
I see this history-based completion sound nice in theory, but do I really need that? What I said earlier still holds. I had lots of stuff that looked nice or might be useful, but then I started to get rid of everything but what I really used. Worked well for me. Do I need CPU load in the status bar? No, I'll run top if I want that. Do I need this nice prompt that tells me what branch I am on? No, I can run git status if I want to know that, etc

iced quinn
@m0xee @iska i use history completion pretty often and the syntax for fish scripts is much less cryptic than bash.

its supposed to do some fancy stuff with program flag completes but i don't use *that* particular feature much.
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@icedquinn @m0xee

I love option completion, guides you on the fly!
file completion is also great as it saves many keystrokes.

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