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30 posts total
iced quinn
alright lets power up the kettle one more time for some comfy tea hours before bed :blobcattea:
iced quinn
@iska @rimugu greeks didn't consider you legally a person until year 8 :bunhdgoogly:

Did they had a concept of pre-natal ultrasound or knew about genes and the full human gene composition of an unborn?

I guess the did not.
Weren't we supposed to follow the science?

iced quinn
was gonna post more about how these drugs you need to live are shit but it's all we've got but after the third paragraph i just scrapped it because nobody cares anyway.
iced quinn
if you wanna know how extremists are made just consider the following

loner seeks female attention
loner rejected and deemed a creeper or whatever
loner sadposts and/or asks how to do better
everyone shits on loner for not gitting gud
loner repeats the process until seasoned
soul chips away at endless rejection
someone from an extremist faction eventually invites them over
they're rewarded with attention
they adapt their personality to maximize praise in the only people who will give them any

congratulations. that's one of the ways monsters are made.
if you wanna know how extremists are made just consider the following

loner seeks female attention
loner rejected and deemed a creeper or whatever
iced quinn
zomboid: you survived for five hours:blobcatgooglycry:
iced quinn
:blobcat: :blobfox: acceptable
:blobcatfox: :blobfoxcat: disaster
iced quinn
banana phone :ablobcatcheersparkles:
a ring
banana phooooone :ablobcatcheersparkles:
banana phone :ablobcatcheersparkles:
iced quinn
sorry tech support is only available via ham radio
:umu: :umu:
@icedquinn ok but how do we use this for radio
iced quinn
blobfox wants you :blobfoxboop:
to join the war against ms teams
iced quinn
CPU with 18 logical cores

in theory:
:blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper:

[operation done in 3 minutes]

in reality:
:blobcathyper: :blobcathmpf: :blobcathmpf: :blobcathmpf: :blobcathmpf: :blobcatsleep2:
:blobcatsleep2: :blobcatsleep2: :blobcatsleep2: :blobcathuggies: :blobcatgamer: :blobcatsleep2:
CPU with 18 logical cores

in theory:
:blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper:
iced quinn
space engineers but every oxygen tank is laced with a random drug
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