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Spread Mastodon

🔥 We are excited to let everyone know that our full website is now live!

We hope this will be an easy way for new users to get started with #Mastodon & join the wider #Fediverse & an organizing hub to build & spread a better, more open social web of ALL fediverse offerings.

With the #RedditMigration in full force & the likely #Barcelona launch bringing new attention to the Fediverse it is all the more urgent to help #TakeBackSocial @fediversereport

🔥 We are excited to let everyone know that our full website is now live!

We hope this will be an easy way for new users to get started with #Mastodon & join the wider #Fediverse & an organizing hub to build & spread a better, more open social web of ALL fediverse offerings.

With the #RedditMigration in full force & the likely #Barcelona launch bringing new attention to the Fediverse it is all the more urgent to help #TakeBackSocial

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Johannes Ernst

@spreadmastodon Looks nice and professional. Congratulations!

Couple of ideas:

* more adjectives for the scroller: authentic, not-manipulated, safe, billionaire-free.

* add "share on Twitter/FB/Insta/e-mail..." buttons? That's where the potential users are ...

* The German spelling is actually gGmbH not gGMBH. Perhaps in much smaller font, the disclaimer distracts a bit.

John (he/him) :vbike: @fediversereport It’s great to see this site go live! I’m super pleased with the recommendations and the hashtags.

One comment as an instance admin: I wish we could stick your onboarding flow into the standard signup (after email verification) on our instance. If your team is able to provide assets and a patch file to the mastodon source to do that I would be in absolute awe. It could also help improve trust since it would just be part of the site on boarding flow rather than a separate website to log into. (And maybe even could go into the project itself) @fediversereport It’s great to see this site go live! I’m super pleased with the recommendations and the hashtags.

One comment as an instance admin: I wish we could stick your onboarding flow into the standard signup (after email verification) on our instance. If your team is able to provide assets and a patch file to the mastodon source to do that I would be in absolute awe. It could also help improve trust since it would just be part...

soaproot @fediversereport Looks like a great start. To me the toughest call is instant registration. I guess maybe that's the only way for this kind of low friction onboarding (we don't need to spell out every detail here but I would allow temporary limits on posting or rate limits or the like if servers seem to need them).

Spread Mastodon

The full #Fedidb 2.0 upgrade just occurred... @dansup has created an excellent resource here 🚀 ...Everyone should go check it out!

cc: @fediversenews

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