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Really happy this made it to the software. Let's help those who want to say no to metrification of life to do so easily in-app. Continued respect and support on this pixelfed project my friend


Yesterday night i liked this because of the content. I did not realize it was a Kanye tweet ahaha

Aral Balkan

@dansup Please, the last thing we need is him here.


@aral It was more about the message, being able to hide follower/following counts was influenced by him.

Aral Balkan

@dansup Yeah, folks have been asking about that for a while but most of ’em aren’t Hitler-loving, MAGA-supporting, raging anti-semites. I understand your implementation might have been influenced by him but he’s not a role model and I don’t think seeing him promoted would give people the right idea about Pixelfed (or you). As far as I know you (admittedly from a distance), you and Kanye West don’t share the same values.

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