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Seriously though, being a fediverse developer is challenging, but y'all make it worthwhile.

I make mistakes sometimes, but your feedback is what saves the day.

"He just some Steve Jobs obsessed tech bro"

"Where the fuck is Sup?"

"I heard he doesn't brush his teeth"

I've heard it all, and I appreciate the criticisms just as much as the complements.

Y'all keep me grounded and remind me that I'm building @pixelfed for the people, you people, and you really shape the direction of the project!

Sheldon Chang πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@dansup are you sure you didn't accidentally login to Nextdoor?



@dansup @pixelfed You're very much appreciated. Every time I open the app it's a constant "Wow" scrolling through the timeline. As a sufferer from depression and anxiety, it's an absolute delight to use Pixelfed. Stress free, clean, self controlled experience. πŸ«‚πŸ₯°


@dansup people feel empowered to say crazy shit online idk what it is


@lampsofgold i was being dramatic/sarcastic (nobody actually said those things lol)

"trigger fingers turned to twitter fingers"


@dansup The more you impact the world, the more supporters but also detractors you get. I think that all famous people get bullied at some point, especially on social media. That's not good obviously but it's also important to focus on your goals, ignore nasty behaviors but continue to welcome constructive comments, positive or negative. Keep the good work 😝

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