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Someone recently suggested a new @pixelfed timeline based on remote posts from only Pixelfed servers.

This has me intrigued.

We have everything required to make this possible, the only thing missing is my approval.

So guess what I'm working on atm, trying to quickly implement this to include in the new app build due out any day now.

This is what I love about :pixelfed:, your ideas and feedback help shape our project and ideas like these are crucial to our success.

Keep the ideas flowing ❤️


@shlee @pixelfed Yeah you are, you and all your great ideas, how dare you make your mark on Pixelfed with all these great ideas...

jk, I ❤️ people like you who are so engaged in the development and provide such great feedback and ideas.

As a maintainer, I have to say, you people and your amazing enthusiasm makes my life easier

@dansup @pixelfed while working on this, could you please have a look at the disappearing posts on the local timeline for
I can't provide more informations than after a while posts just disappear.

spla :senyera: :vim:

@dansup I like this idea, even could be good having an admin config option to allow posts from Pixelfed servers only @pixelfed

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