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David Revoy

I started the year with a big month of problem solving. Nothing really exciting, I mostly did home maintenance: cleaning, DIY, hard drive replacement, archiving, power supply replacement, setting up a home server, making better backups for all devices at home, centralizing family photo albums, converting media, etc... etc... It was a bit of a never-ending rabbit hole once you started down it. But a pleasant one, because all the various little improvements were immediately rewarding.

Jeff Fortin T.

@davidrevoy I would feel very represented by Pepper dual-wielding hungry rabbits (or beavers) while facing an army of thundering yaks to shave 😏️

Jeff Fortin T.

@davidrevoy Now that I think of it, there was some prior art expressing the overall concept, using a different type of rodent to face a bunch of henchmen (and a cow)… in case this helps:


@davidrevoy and, sometimes, it's like being pecked to death by ducklings.

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