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Aral Balkan

Folks promoting Bluesky on the fediverse is like the three little pigs doing public relations for the big bad wolf.

But, hey, clearly some folks still haven’t gotten the message that VC and billionaires are bad and that non-corporate spaces have to be protected from corporate ones.

I guess something has to keep the folks who write “what went wrong/if only we’d known” articles in business.


Anti. 🐘

@aral Me thinks it's about convenience. Bluesky is three clicks your in. And it's about which groups switched where. People go where their bubbles moved to.

Aral Balkan

@antiaall3s Cool, cool. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Anti. 🐘

@aral It's a sad story, of course. Just trying to find an explanation.

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

we understand that. But I think what Aral is getting at is:
people who are already on fedi.... why bother promoting your bluesky profile or just bluesky in general on here...
If someone's already gone through the effort of being on fedi, why bother promoting Bluesky.

Anti. 🐘

@thibaultmol I suppose they are happier there, it's more convenient for them, they are tired of certain inconveniences here. @aral

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

Which is interesting cause mastodon is more feature complete than bluesky

Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon:

@thibaultmol @antiaall3s @aral
A cynical part of me wonders if it's just that the billionaire dangled the shiny thing, and these people just decided that was better than democracy. It's not like that hasn't been a trend, at least in the US, for the past decade...

Still, more access to Blue Sky means more of us can go post there about Mastodon. 😆


@antiaall3s @aral dude idk how long it’s been since you signed up but the only reason I’m here is because it is way easier than it used to be. They’ve hugely simplified the onboarding!!

n8chz ⒶⒺ

@aral In the days of the old good web there was a saying that the internet detects censorship as damage and routes around it. The new good web won't happen until it learns to route around monetization. Routing traffic around advertising has become quite an art form (in an arms race sort of way) but advertising is a symptom. Gotta go for the jugular and create #monetization-hostile communication systems.

Longplay Games :pc_color: 🎮

@aral It reminds me of the car dealerships that sell new enlistees ('boots') expensive cars on terrible loans.

We have a stub out there just to hold the name, but we're a pro-union pro-open shop, so obviously we're not moving.

Matthew Graybosch
@aral I have a bluesky account, but I don't post there. I don't promote that account on my website. And I only give invite codes to people who have truly annoyed me.


Folks inviting through private DMs to Bluesky are also not on my favourites list....


@aral maybe bots.. or botted brains?

this was an earful ffs..
I guess worth debate:

compare to : :catjam:

Dave Winer ☕️


You could take another approach and consider that activitypub has problems that aren’t being solved, and maybe a fresh start by smart devs, which they are, might get us to a better place sooner.


@davew @aral Perhaps; there are certainly issues with ActivityPub. But correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that the BlueSky approach to federation keeps BlueSky as the central authority. While that can simplify some issues, given previous experience with billionaire owners of social media platforms it isn't comforting.

Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

@not2b @davew @aral That's right. It's just decentralized storage. You can store your data on your server, you hold your name through the domain possession, but we (BlueSky) are ultimately in control who you connect with.
It's essentially a centralized platform. If there is something smart about it, then it's how they paint it as decentralized.

maarten brouwers

@davew @aral but does bluesky even federate at this moment? It seems mostly a Twitter clone with currently an open api? But that’s how Twitter started?

Matthew Graybosch
@murb @davew @aral BlueSky federation is vaporware until it isn't. And AT protocol exists only because ActivityPub is NIH (not invented here).
Aral Balkan

@davew Smart devs, a billionaire, venture capital… hmm, where have I heard this song before?

Sorry, Dave, as far as Jack goes, fool me once…

Drew Naylor

@aral I only have one because not everyone I want to follow is on an ActivityPub instance. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't bother. That's the problem with social media.


@aral By far most of my social bubbles did not move from the #nazi #bar #birdchan to #Mastodon or abandoned it for #Threads or #Bluesky after a few posts.

It's fine. It's fiiine.

Guess I'm the stronger willed one, I like to tell myself.

a goat‽

@Wabbit Dorsey's BS is just the second Nazi bar, the Nazis just (mostly) haven't gone there yet.

a goat‽

@aral Twitter people forget so quickly that Twitter always sucked, and was designed by algorithm to suck (but keep people addicted).

Of course people would follow their old dopamine dealer, Jack Dorsey, to his new hideout... One of them.

He made Nostr for unethical techbros and cynically made BlueSky for people trying to be progressive...


@aral I knew that blue butterfly reminded me of something.😈


@aral Absolutely some people haven't got the message but that's cos they don't care. They want an easy to use platform that all their mates/companies/celebs use and they don't care who runs it. Until it blows up. Then they care.

@aral It both amuses me and gives me a headache that people have forgotten that people were calling Twitter "the hellsite" *before* Musk took over - back when Dorsey was running it… Dorsey, of course, being the guy responsible for BlueSky. But yeah, I'm sure it will work out fine this time.
unixjunk1e 🌵

@aral I signed up there today to hold my username, and added to my profile there to 'let me know if you want an invite code to the rest of the fediverse' :-D

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