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Darius Kazemi

Edit: not actually down after all, just the default endpoint doesn't return a 200 (see comment in thread)

Ooof. "down for everyone or just me" is reporting that is, in fact, down. No wonder half the sites I'm trying to access are stalling. I thought it was a problem with this public wifi network I'm on...

erin sparling

@darius let me see if this has been reported…


Lots of people learning a valuable lesson the hard way right now, I'd guess.

Григорий Клюшников

Welp, here's my reason for always self-hosting custom fonts despite Google making it unreasonably difficult.


@darius A pattern I love is caching Fonts responses via a Worker and serving those instead:

Carlos Solís
@colin_howells @darius Aaaaaand then Cloudflare also goes down. Don't forget to have a last-resort local copy of your fonts!
Alex Rosenberg

@darius Aw, Google can't invasively track users without a cookie popup anymore. Poor them.


@darius Turns out it’s just a problem with 99% of websites using the same surveillance-ridden CDN instead of respecting their users.



The browser extension:

"Local CDN"

Means, you will not have these types of issues, but also it improves browsing speed, while also improving privacy.

Take it a step further and import the settings from Local CDN and add them to uBlock Origin, and it gets even better.

The more you know...

erin sparling

@darius ok so believe it or not o got a really helpful answer almost immediately.

TLDR it’s not down, but the url being used to test should be more specific to get the right answer. //should always return a 200 //not necessarily going to return a 200

Irkalla Lustre

@darius im just an internet bimbo, no idea how this works but my brother is in tech and is a mentor to me. We talk a lot. And shit is definitely wierd lately

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