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@jerry What happens with any excess money that is over the cost of hosting?


@grey if @jerry is ever so blessed I expect a good old fashioned money fight.


@krupo @jerry based on Librepay, Kofi, and Patreon it looks like he's already getting more than $3K/mo


@krupo @jerry Patreon is $1924/mo, Kofi is 1907(?), Libre pay is $861.58 per week ($3446.32/mo). If we add that up(and ignore kofi) and take 20% off the top for fees it's still $4296.25/mo


@krupo @jerry just to clarify, I have no issue with this. I really appreciate everything Jerry does for this community. I'm just a curious person :ablobcatbongopause:


@grey I stand by the GIF response, but on another level it makes sense to save surplus as a nest egg for future growth in demand or dips in contributions.


@grey @jerry my hope is that there are always plenty of donation funds left-over so they can be applied to whatever sanity maintenance costs @jerry is accumulating. Sanity maintenance costs vary, but can be quite high in some situations. Chuckle.


@vpz @jerry Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I hope he's saving or investing the excess to keep this place alive in down months or when unexpected expenses occur.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@grey @vpz the extra money covers surges in costs, either from needing an emergency upgrade or additional server, or surges in CDN costs, which usually run about $500/month, but have been as much as $1500 based on usage. I probably go a bit overboard on trying to make things fast and reliable and could save some more money, but I’m trying hard to give a good experience for the community.

Tinker ☀️

@jerry @grey @vpz - And that doesn't include your time, effort, and skill.

mask-wearing, socially distant entity :verified_paw:

@jerry @grey @vpz There isn’t extra though, is there? I recall you saying donations don’t cover it all a while ago, I think…


@jerry @grey @vpz I'm not even on your server(s) and I yet I profit from your hard work because you enable a lot of people I genuinely like to interact. Thank you, I appreciate it.

Out of curiosity, how large are your instances at the moment? "We" have around 10k users if which around 6k are considered active and "our" admin team has asked us to throttle donating because they don't need that much money. (Which is one more reason to love this community.)

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