@krupo@jerry Patreon is $1924/mo, Kofi is 1907(?), Libre pay is $861.58 per week ($3446.32/mo). If we add that up(and ignore kofi) and take 20% off the top for fees it's still $4296.25/mo
@krupo@jerry just to clarify, I have no issue with this. I really appreciate everything Jerry does for this community. I'm just a curious person :ablobcatbongopause:
@grey I stand by the GIF response, but on another level it makes sense to save surplus as a nest egg for future growth in demand or dips in contributions.
@krupo @jerry Patreon is $1924/mo, Kofi is 1907(?), Libre pay is $861.58 per week ($3446.32/mo). If we add that up(and ignore kofi) and take 20% off the top for fees it's still $4296.25/mo