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Online anonymity: study found ‘stable pseudonyms’ created a more civil environment than real user names 

'What matters, it seems, is not so much whether you are commenting anonymously, but whether you are invested in your persona and accountable for its behaviour in that particular forum. There seems to be value in enabling people to speak on forums without their comments being connected, via their real names, to other contexts.

...calls to end anonymity online by forcing people to reveal their real identities might not have the effects people expect'

Chip Butty

@mia it boggles my mind that we live in a world of Jeremy Clarkson and Tucker Carlson and we think anonymity is the reason things have become uncivil


@otfrom maybe if we stopped rewarding people for their hate with tv shows and newspaper columns using their real names...

Chip Butty

@mia that would be good. I'm trying to do my part by not watching/reading/subscribing where I can. I need to get better at not outrage boosting as well, but that has improved since I moved here.

Alexander The 1st

@otfrom @mia Or even Donald Trump - a guy so *non*-anonymous, he brags about being so non-anonymous with every single thing he tries to do - including, but not limited to:

- Inciting an insurrection;
- Running a beauty pageant;
- Getting into lawsuits about behaviour not inconsistent with the video footage about how he acted around the beauty pageant contestants;
- Disclosing Confidential documents he didn't have the right to de-classify at the time to people who didn't have clearance...

Sir Pantangelini

@otfrom @mia

Cause Carlson and Clarkson are uncivil 😜 😂 🤣


@mia if that happens I’ll just set up another platform somewhere, you can’t police the Fediverse like that.


@mxtthxw there's no call in the Fedi that I know of, it's more of a political points scoring thing, sometimes under the guise of 'won't someone think of the children'

Fish Id Wardrobe

@mia @mxtthxw Every so often there's some Random Arsehole who thinks no-one has ever suggested it before



real name account here

i don't feel particularly bothered by what anyone thinks about me in real life due to my brain droppings on mastodon, so i suppose i fit the data

Joan Westenberg

@mia interesting! I go back and forth on whether or not I want to keep my real name out there. But I guess at this point I’ve written and published online for long enough that it may be too late.


@mia It could simply be that, when forced to use their real name, a sizable number of users simply stopped posting.


@dl2jml I guess that's a question for the study authors, but it's worth considering. I've been shocked though at what people will post under their FB accounts - wishing death on asylum seekers etc, so it'd be interesting to consider who's more silent under a 'real name' policy


@mia You cannot discard the fact that some FB members are simply crazy or complete idiots, but there may be another explanation behind some of these posts: social pressure. If your relatives are against immigration, you will not welcome immigrants on FB. Same story in reverse if your relatives are in favor of immigration, of course.
That same pressure will cause people to be more silent, which is what I was talking about. You don't get comments from some of the users. (1/2)


@mia But they are not the same people. I can imagine that people with extreme comments under their real name are responding to social pressure by trying to increase their standing or reach in their group. When people use their real names, the online world mimics the dynamic of established offline groups (which have been amply studied). These dynamics can be messy and violent. (2/2).


@dl2jml Please don't generalize. I am proud to be unlike my relatives. Many of us make a conscious effort to break away from toxic familial patterns.


@mia Interesting article, thanks for posting :)
I always thought anonymity on the internet was very important.
But seeing all the people, who just can't act decent, it might be a good idea to setup something like this:

Tree of Life

@mia Repressive measure, intended to stifle dissent. In many regimes, open dissent results in your door being kicked-in at 5am by plain-clothes thugs.


@mia in the information age that proceeded electronics, stable psuedonyms were honoured by the name Nom De Plume.
The lot of the poor and women would have been the worse for it being prohibited, not to mention the lot of slaves.
Thinking of George Elliott, Maya Angleou, Current, Ellis and Acton Bell, Boz, George Orwell, Silence Dogood, Clive Hamilton, bell hooks, and Robert Galbraith, to give a few known examples. There were those whom we may dislike too Ayn Rand springs to mind.


Makes sense to me.

People put all kinds of toxic stuff on LinkedIn and Facebook under their real name: real-name just isn't a big deterrent to people with low impuls-control or people who honestly dgaf what their employer thinks of them.

Whereas I know a lot of (semi-)anonymous accounts that I like enough to follow them over several media (Twitter, masto, YouTube, blogs, etc)


@mia Also, someone's legal name may not reflect their "real identity" (it doesn't for me, though I'm neither trans nor in any danger when outed; it's just not the name anyone except authorities knows me by)


Same with me, no one calls me by my legal name. But many people call me by names that started out as online handles.

@irina @mia

Alexander The 1st

@EverydayMoggie @irina @mia Even when people call me by my legal name, it's usually in a shortened form.

And usually just the shortened version of my first name.

And...either way, my name isn't unique for my first and last name as a combination; it's effectively *more* anonymous.


@AT1ST @EverydayMoggie @mia Both my legal name and the name I use are in fact unique! So if I want to be anonymous I need a real alias.


@mia People who have well known names are obliged to use them to attract followers and audience, and they are the most vocal in their opposition to anonymity, because it's something they can't have without giving up their fame.


Did the study say anything about the moisture content of water or the color of the sky?

Imagine two people having an online discussion about model railroads.

With pseudonyms:
A :Bruce Wayne, 35, Gotham City
B: Master Yoda, 900, Dagobah

Without pseudonyms:
A: Lisa Johnson, Nickname: Bruce, he/him, 14, Canada
B: Ron DeSantis, Nickname: Yoda, more/guns, 45, Florida

Do your own study...
Which results in a more civilized discussion?
Cost of doing the study (specify in Cents)?
Time needed (specify nanoseconds)?

Did the study say anything about the moisture content of water or the color of the sky?

Imagine two people having an online discussion about model railroads.

With pseudonyms:
A :Bruce Wayne, 35, Gotham City
B: Master Yoda, 900, Dagobah

Without pseudonyms:
A: Lisa Johnson, Nickname: Bruce, he/him, 14, Canada
B: Ron DeSantis, Nickname: Yoda, more/guns, 45, Florida


@mia Real name policies silence many women, many LGBT people, and many Disabled/chronically ill people for a variety of different reasons.


@mia Real name policies mean many LGBT people are silenced due to fear of workplace discrimination


@Lilysea sadly I suspect most of the people proposing 'real name' policies would be just fine with that

Misuse Case

@mia @Lilysea Yep. And that’s the point, it means only total assholes are comfortable posting, non-assholes aren’t.


@Lilysea @mia Yeah, that Stephen Hawking guy was really shut down.



Being xs4me2 since 1995 I can confirm this from first experience.

Tattooed Mummy

@mia this! I'm tattooed mummy. I don't use my real name online but I am accountable as TM


@mia social in internet is weird, trying to build social life by universities network it is fun, like a running doom on thermometer.

PC is tool for computing, I not need to register in calculator my name please, what you wanna to calc, for me it is enough in "real" life, I know I am wrong, selfish and must be executed because of my religion/opinion/history, maybe we can just still compute here old boring things. Mastadon fun while render or boiling potatoes, not when to calc segregation


@mia This is a really interesting result. I guess it confirms my expectation, but I'm very glad someone's done the work to check!

Resolviendo la incógnita

@mia Low quality news websites, Amazon reviews, popular forums with rampant astroturfing...All of them benefits from the idea that showing a "real" identity is the ideal.

Garrett Wollman

@mia For "real" read "government authorized".


@mia Anyone who thinks anonymity will make anything friendlier should consider that a self-confessed sex offender (who also publicly admitted to wanting to fuck his own daughter) was rewarded with a presidency. The only people who would be silenced by being forced to use their real names are people from marginalised groups.

Fruity Mercury :catjam:

@mia the problem with that is global politics. And doxxing.

Having all your accounts connected increases the likelihood of your post history revealing enough for you to be doxxed.

Governments have been known to use Grindr profiles to find queer people after deciding to prosecute gayness again for example. Right now you can just scrub that account without it being connected to your main. This would make it harder to take these kinds of protective measures.

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