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@mia It could simply be that, when forced to use their real name, a sizable number of users simply stopped posting.


@dl2jml I guess that's a question for the study authors, but it's worth considering. I've been shocked though at what people will post under their FB accounts - wishing death on asylum seekers etc, so it'd be interesting to consider who's more silent under a 'real name' policy


@mia You cannot discard the fact that some FB members are simply crazy or complete idiots, but there may be another explanation behind some of these posts: social pressure. If your relatives are against immigration, you will not welcome immigrants on FB. Same story in reverse if your relatives are in favor of immigration, of course.
That same pressure will cause people to be more silent, which is what I was talking about. You don't get comments from some of the users. (1/2)


@mia But they are not the same people. I can imagine that people with extreme comments under their real name are responding to social pressure by trying to increase their standing or reach in their group. When people use their real names, the online world mimics the dynamic of established offline groups (which have been amply studied). These dynamics can be messy and violent. (2/2).


@dl2jml Please don't generalize. I am proud to be unlike my relatives. Many of us make a conscious effort to break away from toxic familial patterns.

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