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Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

@lexd0g @mahryekuh Only if you decide to work under the new terms. If you don't switch and stick with the existing terms, nothing changes, and you don't pay anything more than you do now.

See ‘New business terms for EU apps' in the FAQ;

Or select “Today's capabilities and terms” in the fee calculator.

A screenshot of the App Store monthly fee calculator, showing €0 estimated monthly fees if the developer decides to do nothing, and stick with the existing App Store model.

@sindarina @mahryekuh that won't allow you to distribute your app through third party sources, apps not allowed on the app store have to accept these terms

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

@lexd0g @mahryekuh If you're only making free apps, you're exempt. If you're a non-profit, you're exempt, etc.

So it only affects you if 1) you want to accept the new terms, because alternative app stores, 2) charge for some of your apps, and then 3) end up with a massively popular free app that you don't want to charge for to cover your costs.

I’m sure there's some folks that would balk at the idea of charging €1/year to deal with that, but overall, from what I have read so far, this seems pretty darn reasonable, and a net positive for the vast majority of developers 🤷🏻‍♀️

@lexd0g @mahryekuh If you're only making free apps, you're exempt. If you're a non-profit, you're exempt, etc.

So it only affects you if 1) you want to accept the new terms, because alternative app stores, 2) charge for some of your apps, and then 3) end up with a massively popular free app that you don't want to charge for to cover your costs.

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