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Alexey Skobkin

Yeah, I figured so.
I'll try to not forget.

Presence of side-effect would be especially interesting.

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱


I already noticed the side effects too. Particularly the emotional ones and the nausea. But the nausea doesnt bother me as I have a strong stomach and doesnt really feel like nausea to me. But I can see how to others it would feel like nausea.

Alexey Skobkin

Added a note to your account "ask in 2025". I hope it'd help me not to forget 😄

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

@skobkin hahaha "Check if jeff is dead in a year, if not ask him what his secret is" :)

Alexey Skobkin

Something like that 😁
I'm struggling with overweight too 🤷

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