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@kegill @farbenstau I've only seen them used in light rail systems in the US

Stefan Baur 6 * 💉

@aeva @kegill Germany uses them a lot … and has had quite some nasty surprises with them. Turns out derailing locos aren't the only way to cause fatal structural damage to them.

cf. "Concrete Csncer",

Johann-Tobias Schäg

@farbenstau (when relating to trains this a problem exclusive to communist/east german made concrete. Subpar materials used )

Johann-Tobias Schäg

@farbenstau Bzzt source cited does not collaborate claim: does refer to them having damages not defects. Accodring to local press a previous conductor on the same line the day before reported a visual anomaly.

This kinda all points against a link to Concrete Cancer unless you got newer German primary sources you are likely wrong IMHO.

Also no legal proceedings were started again the company which made the damaged part, this further speaks against

@farbenstau Bzzt source cited does not collaborate claim: does refer to them having damages not defects. Accodring to local press a previous conductor on the same line the day before reported a visual anomaly. ...

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Johann-Tobias

@farbenstau a systematic error (bad chemistry). While there is reporting of special inspection where many of this type were replaced this isn't phrased in a way that suggest a type wide issue.

Do you have any evidence explicitly linking this to Concrete Cancer?

Stefan Baur 6 * 💉 replied to Johann-Tobias

@freemin7 I found an older, but post-reunification case: Hamburg-Berlin. Concrete sleepers from the 1990ies failed around 2008, track had to be closed off for 3 months for the replacements to be installed.

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Stefan Baur 6 * 💉

Interesting. Now the smoking gun question:

Were the concrete sleepers manufactured in (former) east germany?

Maybe i should have used a weaker statement and called it a non-west german problem.

Stefan Baur 6 * 💉 replied to Johann-Tobias

@freemin7 It seems they were from the new Bundesländer, indeed.

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Stefan Baur 6 * 💉

Let's call it a communist Altlast then.

I found nothing about concrete cancer being a problem before east germany in that region. (looked from Nazi germany to Prussia)

That this issue plagued east germany trhough outs it's existence suggests some geological cause with a lack of process control and competition. That the problem persistent so long into the unified germany also shows a market failuire, possibly due to local monopoly and limited west german competition (distance).

Stefan Baur 6 * 💉 replied to Johann-Tobias

@freemin7 I wonder if the Schienenfreunde Cartel was only about steel or also about sleepers …

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Stefan Baur 6 * 💉

It seems that was about the total price of the rail.
The limited competition i alluded to is just a "it cost money to transport things over long distances"-thing in my mind. Building one concrete industry isn't a problem but if there is a cheap local supplier producing subpar goods which become subpar after 2 decades, that's a hard market to disrupt.

BTW, it totally was a geographical issues combined with bad procress control according to the german wikipedia:

It seems that was about the total price of the rail.
The limited competition i alluded to is just a "it cost money to transport things over long distances"-thing in my mind. Building one concrete industry isn't a problem but if there is a cheap local supplier producing subpar goods which become subpar after 2 decades, that's a hard market to disrupt.

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Johann-Tobias


Als alkaliempfindlich gelten Gesteine, die amorphe oder feinkristalline Silicate enthalten, wie z. B. Opalsandstein und poröser Flint. Insbesondere die in Norddeutschland in größeren Mengen vorkommenden Opalsandsteine sowie die Grauwackevorkommen in der Lausitz können schädliche Mengen an alkalilöslicher Kieselsäure enthalten. Durch Verwendung von Zementen mit niedrig wirksamem Alkaligehalt (mit „(na)“ hinter der Normbezeichnung gekennzeichnet)

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Johann-Tobias

und durch Begrenzung des Zementgehaltes im Beton kann bei Verwendung von Betonzuschlägen mit alkaliempfindlichen Bestandteilen die Alkalireaktion meist vermieden werden.

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Stefan Baur 6 * 💉

@farbenstau The question is:
Does "meist" become always when it's done properly and it's a failuire to do properly causing the meist?
Or is it always random?

I think the concrentation of such defects in particular orders for particular installation kinda speaks against a truely random "meist"? However in east germany "concrete cancer" also impacted some "Plattenbau"s but also in local clusters. 🤷

Stefan Baur 6 * 💉 replied to Johann-Tobias

@freemin7 To me, it sounds like you cannot rule it out completely, either due to the source material being too heterogenous in nature, or due to factors that are not completely known/understood yet. So you need rigid quality control, both during manufacturing and at regular intervals once the sleepers are in place.

Johann-Tobias Schäg replied to Johann-Tobias

But i was wrong about it just being process control. Fixing it requires a significiant amount of different material which is non local or more expensive. Lack of process control + cheapening out.


@farbenstau @aeva @kegill

There was a company trying to sell hemp sleepers. Negative co2. Income for farmers, kept rail cooler, put a wireless mesh sensor in it so condition could be monitored remotely.

Stefan Baur 6 * 💉

@SuperMoosie @aeva @kegill
Looks like the sleepers are not made from hemp, but from steel. The track ballast is replaced with hemp, though.

Oh dear. We already have issues with criminals stealing the wiring that's running parallel to the tracks, due to the copper. Now add hemp to the equation ...

Stefan Baur 6 * 💉 replied to Kathy E. Gill 🇺🇦

@kegill That's what you and I know, but some pothead might not … we've had copper thieves rip out glass fiber because they couldn't tell the difference …

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