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Nathan R

@Gargron Ukraine is too Nazi for me so I don't allow pro-Ukraine or pro-Russia propaganda. Only anti-war rhetoric allowed.

Eugen Rochko

@nate Do you have evidence of Ukraine being any more "nazi" than any other country in the region, incl. Russia? By what metrics are you measuring it?

Nathan R

@Gargron Only 3 countries, USA, Ukraine and Palau didn't vote for the resolution, "Combating glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,". If you're against that then you're a Nazi.

Eugen Rochko

@nate Resolution from 2014, put forth by Russia, which has got an eye for the Baltic states and Ukraine, and invaded Georgia shortly prior. The EU abstained from that vote too. If Ukraine is a nazi state, wouldn’t you have something more tangible than a UN vote on an obscure resolution to show for it?

Nathan R

So because Georgia was liberated then it's okay to be pro-Nazi? There's been many chances to vote for it. As far as tangible, a dam was built to deprive civilians of 85% of their fresh water supply in Crimea. Slavyansk civilians were bombed by incendiary bombs which is strictly prohibited by the UN. Atrocity after atrocity. Russia is too patient and now Russia is therefore exercising the responsibility to protect. My belief: more patience required before risking global thermonuclear war.

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