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smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)



#SurveillanceCapitalism: An increasingly faster way to throw slow, inefficient technology into society to ensure insane capital flows to the already hyper wealthy and keeps them in power.


@smallcircles @thomasfuchs
We like the OP because it shows how slowTech can be popular for some circumstances, while highlighting stupidity of NFT. For example we want bitcoin blockchain to progress slowly. That's what gives it strength.

A person can setup Lightning channels between their friends, colleagues, organic growers to do the fast stuff like fast payment, messaging etc. Yes, paired with SATs, Lightning eliminates spam so a proper back and forth convo costs **nothing** but bandwidth 🙂


@smallcircles @thomasfuchs
So just like the decentralised internet has layers to prevent mass broadcasts from clogging the network. So to does other peer-to-peer, #slowTech.

There's symmetry here.

We should not all jump on the bandwagon that something is bad because securing it is expensive. All good things require some energy to maintain, and the #bitcoin network will require half the energy of existing #banking.



@smallcircles @thomasfuchs
That's not factoring in the military arm of the #petroDollar abuse system, nor the hyper-consumptive effects of #inequality caused by a political money #centralBankers can give to their corporate partners. The past 15 years of #bailOuts pairs with attacks!

Remember, they enacted the #FederalReserveAct on #ChristmasEveEve 1913.

Talk about pulling a fast one!

We choose slow-tech over knee-jerk #moneyPrinting and cash injections *any* day of the week.

@smallcircles @thomasfuchs
That's not factoring in the military arm of the #petroDollar abuse system, nor the hyper-consumptive effects of #inequality caused by a political money #centralBankers can give to their corporate partners. The past 15 years of #bailOuts pairs with attacks!

Remember, they enacted the #FederalReserveAct on #ChristmasEveEve 1913.


@smallcircles @thomasfuchs
One more thing if we may, for such a slow-moving beast as bitcoin to adopt technology that not even #fediverse has been able to adopt yet, namely #I2P integration, shows that just because something moves slowly, that doesn't mean that it is not doing the right thing.

NB: We call for #GlutPlug, a decentralised media-delivery network on fedi, based on media boosted/posted/faved. We think those action can result in participants serving such media to others over I2P.


@smallcircles @thomasfuchs
On the topic of I2P (the Invisible Internet Protocol) we have a perfect example of a technology that is a little bit slower (not as slow as you might think) but that does incredible stuff.

Visit a few I2P sites (called #eppsites) and you'll quickly see how I2P restores the internet.

I2P is the internet of the future in our opinion. In fact, we wish that all internet connections were approx 28kbps, by default.

#slowWeb #28kClub #smallWeb #funWeb #mixnets

@smallcircles @thomasfuchs
On the topic of I2P (the Invisible Internet Protocol) we have a perfect example of a technology that is a little bit slower (not as slow as you might think) but that does incredible stuff.

Visit a few I2P sites (called #eppsites) and you'll quickly see how I2P restores the internet.


@dsfgs @smallcircles @thomasfuchs Even if at one time there might have been some value in bitcoin and blockchain, it’s been tainted forever by the culture. It’s even bled into making decentralized sound dirty…Sorry but anything around it, even assuming best intentions, is a very hard sell.


@dacig @smallcircles @thomasfuchs
When you say, that it's been tainted by the culture, what do you mean? On fedi the good bitcoiners tend to repress their interest in bitcoin so we are genuinely interested. What culture do you see. We remember seeing some pretty toxic stuff around anti-bitcoin culture on BirdSite, when Moz was considering BTC. There was a lot of hatefilled gif posting there. Its almost like people can't communicate with words on TwitSite so they just beef up attitude w gifs.


@dsfgs @smallcircles @thomasfuchs Sorry can’t keep feeding you: bitcoin and crypto culture BAD

Ignazio Palmisano

@dsfgs @smallcircles @thomasfuchs I want scams like bitcoin to progress slower than that. Like, to a full stop. You do you, as long as you mine with a pedal powered rig.


@ignaziop1977 @smallcircles @thomasfuchs
Great idea, with the exercise bike/miner.

Be careful not to condescend, ie. "you do you", also. It goes without saying we will do each other.

One needs to determine for themselves why they might wrongly believe bitcoin is a scam. A comedian on television is not a reliable source, btw. Its legal tender in some countries.

Anyway, your server is Cloud(G)lare (change 'G' to 'F') so we can only continue discussion, to explain why CF is internet cancer.

@ignaziop1977 @smallcircles @thomasfuchs
Great idea, with the exercise bike/miner.

Be careful not to condescend, ie. "you do you", also. It goes without saying we will do each other.

One needs to determine for themselves why they might wrongly believe bitcoin is a scam. A comedian on television is not a reliable source, btw. Its legal tender in some countries.

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