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@dsfgs @smallcircles @thomasfuchs Even if at one time there might have been some value in bitcoin and blockchain, it’s been tainted forever by the culture. It’s even bled into making decentralized sound dirty…Sorry but anything around it, even assuming best intentions, is a very hard sell.


@dacig @smallcircles @thomasfuchs
When you say, that it's been tainted by the culture, what do you mean? On fedi the good bitcoiners tend to repress their interest in bitcoin so we are genuinely interested. What culture do you see. We remember seeing some pretty toxic stuff around anti-bitcoin culture on BirdSite, when Moz was considering BTC. There was a lot of hatefilled gif posting there. Its almost like people can't communicate with words on TwitSite so they just beef up attitude w gifs.


@dsfgs @smallcircles @thomasfuchs Sorry can’t keep feeding you: bitcoin and crypto culture BAD

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