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Sheogorath 🦊

@hq1 @rysiek @wikiyu They sure will, but it will be less convenient. And then the next policy comes around. It's a race and you can only win if you start.

There is also an amount of rich people who will rather pay the tax than finding another loophole. Sure they won't be happy about it, and that's already something.

1 comment
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@sheogorath here's yet another way of looking at it, stolen from I think David Graeber:

At some level of wealth it becomes completely abstract.

Zero here, zero there make no *real* difference. The only difference that matters at that level is a financial dick measuring contest: who has more, who has less? Who is first on list of the wealthiest people on the planet?

If everyone of these billionaires is taxed the same, this does not re-order that ladder.

@hq1 @wikiyu

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