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Darius Kazemi

So, @kissane and I have formally kicked off our Fediverse research project! Briefly, we are doing interviews with admin/mod teams about governance models and practices that are in place on servers with ~150-2500 active users. More info is available here on the project blog:

The blog is hosted at which means you can follow it at @fediversalist-papers, or via RSS, or via email (there's a form on the bottom of the main blog page).

Josh Wayne

@darius @kissane I'm looking forward to what comes out of it. Quick question: it seems like the scope of this phase seems to be around server governance in particular, but are there any plans for looking at fediverse safety/security from an architecture perspective? For example, how posting a URL will often DDoS the server.

Darius Kazemi

@joshwayne @kissane I imagine we'll mention that stuff in passing where it intersects with user safety (for example, architectural limitations to server migration), but generally I expect it to be pretty out of scope


@darius @kissane @fediversalist-papers This is such vital and urgently needed work. Thank you everyone involved for embarking on this project.


@darius @kissane @fediversalist-papers I’m an admin for, so if you need any help, let me know (:

Tim Cowlishaw

@darius @kissane @fediversalist-papers embarrassingly late to this (thank you @jcalpickard for the nudge) but would be very happy to help in any way I can and will be following the outcomes with interest . This is absolutely vital work!

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