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@jonas @jschauma I still fondly remember the meetings where we'd tell the client "look, this is fucked, that is fucked and oh yeah that over there is fucked as well", the client started yelling at some IT guy and that guy just startet pulling out printed e-mails where he essentially told them the same shit and was told to pound sand.

Those were a lot of fun. (And a lot more often than one would think, though a lot less often than one would hope.)

Jonas Köritz

@Laird_Dave @jschauma the worst instance was, of all places, at a hospital...they started screaming at each other about shit they needed to fix 5y ago and didn't. They took timeouts and breaks to discuss how to go forward 🥴. Weird meeting to have, you tell them one thing and they explode into discussion for an hour.


@jonas @jschauma time to break out the strategic popcorn reserves

Gabriel Pettier

@jonas @Laird_Dave @jschauma maybe your entire role was telling which side of the stalemate was right, as an independant party with no skin in that game.

Jonas Köritz

@tshirtman @Laird_Dave @jschauma it was, but still didn't feel good at first. By the end of the day we had everyone agree on heavy changes.

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