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Jonas Köritz

@Laird_Dave @jschauma the worst instance was, of all places, at a hospital...they started screaming at each other about shit they needed to fix 5y ago and didn't. They took timeouts and breaks to discuss how to go forward 🥴. Weird meeting to have, you tell them one thing and they explode into discussion for an hour.


@jonas @jschauma time to break out the strategic popcorn reserves

Gabriel Pettier

@jonas @Laird_Dave @jschauma maybe your entire role was telling which side of the stalemate was right, as an independant party with no skin in that game.

Jonas Köritz

@tshirtman @Laird_Dave @jschauma it was, but still didn't feel good at first. By the end of the day we had everyone agree on heavy changes.

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