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MysticBasil 🇺🇦

@Gargron And if they don't, they will eventually end like Ukraine - single targets to pick, without any real defense coalition behind their backs.


@Gargron What did they expect to happen?

Sounds like the consequences of their actions.

KBLeecaster ✅

The Russian response I hope happens soon is for them to fire their tzar. I hope they join NATO anyways.


@Gargron If Putin keeps telling people that aren't him that they will "face the worst consequences in your history", I think we might have a new meme.

If America doesn't stop putting pineapple on pizza, they will see the most horrific response they can ever imagine.

Adamas Nemesis

@Gargron Lucky for them they're perfectly capable of defending themselves. Just ask Stalin.


@Gargron this whole affair sounds quite similar to the Cuba crisis, when the Soviets put missiles close to the States, and the States did the same to the Soviets. In the end, both sides retreated.

It's just that Russia really hates having NATO's rockets close by, which is sort of understandable. I'm not justifying Russia's actions, of course.

Disclaimer: I don't know much about politics, these are just my intuitions. As you're native, you probably know better.

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