@smxi @tarajdactyl @malcircuit Oh, IRC definitely sucks. It lacks a ton of super useful features like emojis, file upload, link embed, and the like. It's also severely lacking in moderation tools. Matrix, though, only barely solves a couple of those problems and comes with its own giant pile of pain.
@faithisleaping @tarajdactyl @malcircuit irc is for communicating in real time. Works as intended. You type. They type. No eye candy. Easy to run. Add irc bots for extra features. Like real time email except everyone on channel sees exchange. I have several channels. Libera is good. Oftc.net good. Not javascript based. Huge bonus. Very efficient to operate. When freenode tried to monetize entire userbase split to new libera overnight. Program irc bots for more features.