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Dana Fried

If you feel bad/awkward writing triggery words out, think about how the threat of shadowbanning or downranking on corporate platforms has made you afraid to speak openly about difficult topics, and how nice it is to be on a platform where we can choose how we protect others and ourselves from potentially triggering or upsetting posts.

It's time to unlearn the things other platforms have forced us to internalize.

9 comments | Expand all CWs
Sampath Pāṇini ®


We’re all conditioned to be trigger shy.

Dana Fried

@paninid that's what CWs are for if you use them; there's already a thing for that.


@tess @paninid

Thanks for this, as I've found myself doing that at times, for the very reasons you mention.

Shameless coattail add-on here:
Please use Alt Text.
It greatly helps some Mastodon users have a good, and equal, experience.

Sampath Pāṇini ®

@504DR @tess

can be a creative way to embed Easter Eggs, too

Xandra Granade 🏳️‍⚧️

@tess Every time I read about someone using "unalive," or onions as a synonym for unions, I just get existentially sad about how deeply platforms have shaped language.

chaos |

@xgranade @tess cutesy euphemisms for “pandemic” really make me sad these days, not necessarily because of the cw but it just feels like every serious topic is now a joke

Mike M.

@xgranade @tess
"Onions"? I missed that one.

"No, you can't fool me, I'm sticking to the Onion..."

The mental contortions we go through are amazing. Changing "fireman" to "firefighter" took some work, but at least it was logical.

Dana Fried

I'm not going to CW-scold anyone; whether to use a CW depends on a lot of factors and is a very personal choice.

If someone is talking about things that upset you without a CW you can always unfollow, mute (temporarily or permanently), or mute specific terms.


Thank you for the cw reminder.

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