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Johannes Ernst

@mike and @cubicgarden are discussing how amazing it is that all of us building the fediverse — including private companies like Flipboard and public service orgs like the BBC — and countless independent developers I would add — somehow feel like they are all on the same team.

Johannes Ernst

At about 30:55, @mike talks about something really important that the #fediverse enables, and that, so far, very few people talk about: the impact on the internet when previously jealously guarded social graphs become a shared, public good. It’s a bit abstract, but listen to it!

Johannes Ernst

He’s really making the case why any business that interacts with a social network today — which is probably almost all of them — is much better off in the #fediverse than anywhere else: control over your own destiny. Don’t squeeze into a box defined by somebody else. Do what *you* want to do.

Johannes Ernst

@cubicgarden points out how the #press somehow stopped at describing the #fediverse as a #twitter replacement. But it is so much more, or at least it could be. Totally agree!!

Johannes Ernst also got a shout-out in @cubicgarden and @mike ‘s podcast. The #indieweb has been an early pioneer towards largely the same vision as the #fediverse, starting with individuals itching their own itch.

Johannes Ernst

@cubicgarden has the greatest last line:

"It's going to be an unstoppable force. In a few years time, people will go: oh remember how we all used to use these proprietary social networks, you had to use their client, oh dear!"

Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden replied to Johannes


You laugh but it will happen :)
Just like how we use to have one just one mail client or even one way of using sms...


Johannes Ernst replied to Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden

@cubicgarden actually I’m willing to go one step further: we will stop thinking of social networking as a thing, whether on closed platforms or with open protocols.

Instead, we will do the things we want to do online in the context and with the people we want to have around, whether that’s reading the news or shopping or entertainment.

A bit like “ambient connectivity” on mobile phones replaced dedicated phone lines back in the days.

Let’s call it “ambient social”.

Lou Reynolds

@J12t @mike @cubicgarden thanks for the pointer, I’ll definitely give it a listen. BTW I’m currently listening to this book. and it’s becoming abundantly obvious why it feels so much better in the fedeverse - NO ALGORITHM diving the HYPE MACHINE!

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