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David Revoy

@maxmm77 Thank you and I agree with the defederation beauty.
Now I can also see another positive argument for this federation by the way thanks to your message: showing to their huge audience they can move to a free/libre alternative without loosing their contacts or content. That's indeed a thing to consider.

@davidrevoy @maxmm77 In my opinion, one of the most problematic things Meta could do is to influence the evolution of the Activity pub protocol once they have weight in the fediverse to suit their commercial and political goals.
Morgane deSiv

@davidrevoy @maxmm77 If Threads actually allows migration. I wouldn't be surprised if they tweak it so that leaving Threads means starting all over again instead of keeping your contact/followers.

David Revoy

@morganedesiv @maxmm77 Yes, that's a fair point. I know the EU law for interoperability is for somewhere soon within the decade; and I wouldn't be surprise if this move toward the Fediverse is a test to avoid a big bill in the horizon. I also don't know if this future law will constrain them to also propose a system to move followers and profile to another server. For sure, they are expert in Deceptive Designs to make a form feels and looks difficult, a burden and risky for their users.


@morganedesiv @davidrevoy @maxmm77 You have a good point! I'm sure Threads will not let your data out in a form that you could import into other instances.
Though they are legally required to hand out all your data if you request it from them

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