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Samuel Leuenberger

@RLetot @davidrevoy @ariane You should really read Eugene Rochko's paper I linked, he precisely address the argument of the embrace, extend, extinguish threat using also XMPP.
TL;DR The worse that could happen to the feddiverse is stay like it is already.
Admins blocking Threads are not protecting the Fediverse, they're weakening it by refusing to their users the choice to follow or not someone on Threads.

1 comment
Rémi Letot

@Leuenberg what makes you think that I have not read it ??? And that I don't just disagree with it ? Eugene is the very definition of the « technical people » to which I refer in my post, no wonder he doesn't see a problem. Thread is not connecting to the fediverse, it is allowing the fediverse to connect to and interact with it. And if you think that they're doing it out of kindness or without agenda, I don't know what to say...
@davidrevoy @ariane

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