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Shadow Heart

@davidrevoy a read of Threads ToS should be enough to make people worry.


@Sh4d0w_H34rt I read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy because I want to understand the concern, but I don't see why it's anything to worry about for us.

The relevant federation related parts seem pretty innocuous. Threads will send user data to third party services which will then collect and display it to their users (us) and third party services will send their data (our posts) to Threads who will then collect and display it to their users. They can't guarantee third party services will delete Threads users' data even if requested, but Threads will make "reasonable efforts" to delete any third party data on their servers for which a delete request comes through over ActivityPub.

@Sh4d0w_H34rt I read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy because I want to understand the concern, but I don't see why it's anything to worry about for us.

The relevant federation related parts seem pretty innocuous. Threads will send user data to third party services which will then collect and display it to their users (us) and third party services will send their data (our posts) to Threads who will then collect and display it to their users. They can't guarantee third party services will delete...

snott :cat_mlem:

@Sh4d0w_H34rt @davidrevoy as if people will read that.

We had a twitter influx of folks that all moved here with their friends and just carried on with their same old ways. They do not care what the platform is, they just care that their friends are here so they can all whinge about politics and climate change without doing anything tangible.

They care nought for any ToS, not even the one of the server they reside on in a lot of cases.


@Sh4d0w_H34rt @davidrevoy some instances on Mastodon say they are not the place for free speech. It's also concerning, yet we are here :)

Shadow Heart

@zimowski @davidrevoy and we are not beholden to them either we can choose to stay or go even to run our own instance. The whataboutism is a crap argument.


@Sh4d0w_H34rt @davidrevoy well you are not beholden to Meta and Bluesky or Threads either. The point is people here are not happy about those ones, but not about things that are happening right in front of them - it's inconsistent and shows that they do not care about 'good' things that much.

Shadow Heart

@zimowski @davidrevoy no I'm not but just so much as interact in anyway with their users and get your data scrapped. That's why blocks are brought up.


@Sh4d0w_H34rt @davidrevoy how can someone scrap any data from another server anyway? Do you mean that fediverse instances are not safe?

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