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Rodrigo Ghedin

@lifewithtrees @techaddressed @pfefferle I guess this besides the point of the plugin. Its purpose is to transform a WP site in a fediverse instance.


@manualdousuario @techaddressed @pfefferle thing is I have a mastodon account already...all I want is to connect my current mastodon account with my current website...the rest, while I understand it's function, is too much work. It needs to be as easy as adding a "publish to facebook" button using whatever acounts they want to have people use it in a bigger way.

Maybe it's the wrong plug-in for this then

Matthias Pfefferle

@lifewithtrees @manualdousuario @techaddressed I understand your needs, but this is really a completely different use case and solved by a lot of other plugins including Jetpack.


@pfefferle @manualdousuario @techaddressed I simply want to connect mastodon to WordPress without setting up a new mastodon account.

Jetpack may do that long term, but I haven't seen it yet

Rodrigo Ghedin

@lifewithtrees @techaddressed @pfefferle yeah, that's de wrong plugin for that.

Btw, I noticed you don't even added your site and verified it here. This doesn't solve your issue, but it's a good first step to tight both platforms:


@manualdousuario @techaddressed @pfefferle it's not mine , it's someone who is an artist who has a mastodon account and would like help to share their art from WordPress to mastodon.

I am trying to help them. This is a real use case

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