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Laurens Hof

@pfefferle This is all great ofcourse, but I wouldnt underestimate the shift in mindset that this requires. Most writing/blogging/journalism has a very strong implicit mindset of getting people to go to your place to read the content there. Making the best of the plugin turns that around, where your blog is now effectively an archive and 'homebase', and you send it out away from to other people, instead of luring people towards you.

Laurens Hof

@pfefferle oh and a low-prio feature request: id like the ability to not send the header image of a blog into the fediverse. it looks kinda weird to have a random image attached to your fedi post. but now my blog posts dont have header images, which also is a bit of a shame

Mastodon Migration

@laurenshof @pfefferle

Really interesting point. From experience, the posts generated for Mastodon need to be formatted with the idea that it is being sent to the Fediverse. Images are avoided because only want the primary image to show up, need to repeat the title or it doesn't show up. Limit character formatting etc. Really using it as a Fediverse long form posting tool, not a Wordpress blog.

Perhaps the ability to select posts on a post by post basis to either send to the Fediverse or not?

Bill Statler
@Mastodon Migration wrote:

> "...From experience, the posts generated for Mastodon need to be formatted with the idea that it is being sent to the Fediverse. Images are avoided because only want the primary image to show up, need to repeat the title or it doesn't show up. Limit character formatting etc. Really using it as a Fediverse long form posting tool, not a Wordpress blog..."

I suppose this is what most Mastodon users expect, but I think it's backwards. Formatting for the Fediverse does not mean (and should not mean) formatting to match the artificial limitations imposed by Mastodon.

The Fediverse has supported blog-style posts, with text formatting, inline images, and no character limit, since before Mastodon was invented. WordPress + ActivityPub means that Mastodon users will be seeing increasing numbers of such posts. And yes, this means they will need to click the link and go read the original post -- or switch from Mastodon to a different Fediverse platform that supports blog-style formatting.

What should NOT happen is that a WordPress blog must become "not a WordPress blog" in order to be accepted in the Fediverse.
@Mastodon Migration wrote:

> "...From experience, the posts generated for Mastodon need to be formatted with the idea that it is being sent to the Fediverse. Images are avoided because only want the primary image to show up, need to repeat the title or it doesn't show up. Limit character formatting etc. Really using it as a Fediverse long form posting tool, not a Wordpress blog..."

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